
Drama in the Flugzeug: Road handbag by Louis Vuitton from the police department | Living & Erasing

Drama in the Flugzeug: Road handbag by Louis Vuitton from the police department | Living & Erasing

If the Louis Vuitton handbag no longer uses one of the Vordersitz packages, a woman must a Flugzeug-verlassen. There is only one thing that has not happened: it is the task of the police to let the pilot escape.

Die Geschichte a Chinese and more than 3000 euros Handbag go to the world. The drama is in the Chinese city of Chongqing, a metropolis with 32 million inhabitants and two large Louis Vuitton branches.

The Flugzeug war on the Road to Startbahn, Airline passengers went through the Reihen and bate the Frau, ihre Handbag under the Preferences to understand. The Chinese refuse themselves. There is a brown luxury position that you can play with your Handy and ignore all other personal ads.

The woman is in flight, looks handy. If the Nachbarsitz hat comes with a luxury handbag

The woman is in flight, looks handy. If the Nachbarsitz hat comes with a luxury handbag

Photo: douyin

Finished with handbag

Roads of the renewed Handtaschen-Liebhaberin kehrte der Pilot zum Flugsteig zurück. The police crew and the woman work with their designer pieces from Economy Class.

Passage has filmed and photographed throughout the country. The messages end up on a Chinese social media page. Also to be seen: The passengers applaud when the woman Aeroplane must be replaced.

Handbags-Solidarity of Frauen – about criticism

The Passenger is placed on the Netz from the Verstandnis.

▶︎ “I love these handbags,” one woman writes: “Habt Ihr mal gesehen, who will deal with them in the Geschäften? Louis Vuitton-Bags were shaken with white hands. I think it doesn’t happen in the Boden.”

▶︎ “The Flugbegleiterin hätte ihr a Bag zum Schutz could be offered, in which the same Handbag can be plugged in,” writes another.

For others, the whole day is worth nothing. “What for a drama around a bag” is a bigger comment.

The empire of the rich man of the world