
More like a drittel sogen weniger fürs Alter vor

More like a drittel sogen weniger fürs Alter vor

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All that has to do with the fact that man is in the Rest position is the chance to cook. Why that is all important.

Ways of preparation for the past years can man provide less for the Rest-stand. It is so far AXA Vorsorge Report therefore, it would be a versicherungskonzern at the Meinungsforschungsinstitut YouGov in Auftrag. Dort gaben 37 Prozent der Befragten an, dass sie weg der höheren Preise weniger für the Ruhestand vorsorgen. I was Vorjahr on 32 Prozent. Der Social association VdK for a “reformed Grundrente, a higher Erwerbsminderungsrente and more Rente für pflegende Angehörige”, damn all People in Rentenalter a “good and sichere Rente haben”, so

Laut report: So fell legen Menschen fürs Alter zurück

Delay over private Altersvorsorge.
Due to the preparations, people can be eager for the alternative departure. © Panthermedia/Imago

Few people invest monatlich Money in the Altersvorsorge, wie der Report say:

  • 100 Euro/month: 14 Prozent der Befragten
  • Zwischen 100 and 200 Euro/Monat: 17 Prozent der Befragten
  • 200 to 300 Euro/month: 8 Prozent der Befragten
  • More than 400 Euro/month: 11 Prozent der Befragten

More than half (59 Prozent) der Befragten habe das “Vertrauen in die Politik beim Thema Altersvorsorge lost”, informed

For the AXA Vorsorge Report 2,053 persons aged 18 and over were contacted online in Germany. The fragmentation took place on 24 and 26 July statt.

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What is the private Vorsorge sin?

If the rent is paid, the standard in the Ruhestand can no longer be adjusted, but experts and experts are informed about the question Consumption center. Concrete acts as one of the sogenannte interest rates – even if they are uninterested in the height of the costs and the costs of the fixed interest. A different path is offered, which can be viewed by the state alternatives. Darunter falls under the betribliche Altersvorsorge or the Riester- or Rürup-Rente, so dief

I can do more work – not all the chance

If you earn an interest and earn more, this is a single person of the medium term. But not everyone has this chance. In addition to the people, who have a new job and a new job with a higher level of tax, it is often the case that we continue longer: “Verloren hat dan, wer das etwa weg krankheit, Pflege von Anheirigen or der körperlich schwerer Arbeit nicht kann. It is a matter of time for the person to qualify for qualification and obtain a higher interest, which we can buy and the interest will see as interest income, and who will not buy or buy and pay a new interest”, said Verena Bentele, Vdk -Präsidentin, in a Press Release.

Dahert der Sozialverband “a reformist Grundrente, a higher Erwerbsminderungsrente and more Rente für pflegende Angehörige”, says all people in Rentenalter a “good and safe Rente haben”, so

Take care of illness and care

If you were ill, you would be willing to take care of your health, that is to say, 45 Prozent der Befragten des AXA Vorsorge reports Worry. When it comes to fragments, the consequences in the Rest State are a sin, it is worth becoming even bigger with 57 percent. 30 percent cause, that the increased inflation has greatly reduced the real value of the interest. Dadurch think 28 percent, that they can not maintain their usual standard of living.