
50,000 Muslims in the Eifel: Zeltstadt für Kalif-Treffen

50,000 Muslims in the Eifel: Zeltstadt für Kalif-Treffen

A media center for the hall technology and for the live TV broadcast in 13 languages ​​is located between the two large halls and shares the area: The half is for the men with a main hall for 8,000 people, the other for the women with a large hall for 7,000 women, directly adjacent a second hall for 1,000 women with small children. Look at the men when they go to the women’s part of the floor, then it is a large jewelry collection, sanitary facilities, sleeping area with mattresses, jewelry information with various positions of Ahmadiyya, office space. In Basarbereichen, pizza and pommes were sold, which was also the case in the nursing homes for free Nordic cuisine, including snacks.

The Construction: On the ground there is a factory design for a large crane truck and specialists for the Zeltbau zu seen. Vieles läuft aber in Eigenarbeit. If the people travel with their car with knowledge of the whole of Germany, they will come with “Love for all, love everything”, with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat auftritt.

Over all days more than 6,000 hrenamtliche Helfer tätig sein – and the “sehr professionell aufgestellt”, wie de Ordnungsbehörde des Kreises Mayen-Koblenz der Rhein-Zeitung erklärte: “In the Reihen der Gemeinde are sich for all Themenbereiche Mitglieder, which in Haupt beruf Solche Themen bearbeiten and ihr Know-how zur Verfügung set”. The strategic organizational leader Adeel Abbasi, Ansprechpartner for the Behörden, is a project manager at the Deutschen Bahn.

The course of the flight: The strict separation and head discipline regularly bring the religious community into public view. One of the women who no longer existed, said Lugman Majoka, sister to the interfaith area. Who are other Muslim associations that are spoken by the protection of women. Those women became his treasures, the spiritual transformations in their Kreis follows their can. Women and men are with the Ahmadi-own organizations, who make jewelry themselves, and make business plans.

The Frauenareal would be refreshed by men, planted as one of the Veronwortlichen des Frauenzweigs, so Vice-Orgachef Abbasi. If the Ahmadi with a conservative house and a child’s soul grows up as a woman, the view of the Western world among the people is: 53 percent with feelings in women who have their own properties, who have no way of welding, 48 percent in men n. The collection gift is an art college. After an arrangement of the Gründungstagen Ahmadis can now be a Partner of his Religiesgemeinschaft heritage. Das wird but not more dogmatically discussed.

The safety: The police in the Nahen Mayen is during the Festival “Rock am Ring” with a large crowd and a big problem. If you drink alcohol, this is often aggressive. The Ahmadis imagine their own safety, the cursory checks and the breakthrough were carried out by speaking Malik. In the Reihen der Religioussgemeinschaft you see the Gläubige, who are at the Polizei and the Verfassungsschutz-tätig. On the pitches also come loaded guests and reported interests from the region.