
Journey through Italian art: from Baroque to its Renaissance

Journey through Italian art: from Baroque to its Renaissance

The country is a challenge Schatzkammer fuller Meisterwerkethose are the best and credible tests of the world. If the baroque and the renaissance influence the schöne stijl with great art, it is quickly undone. From Milan and Romüber Neapel and Florenz, Verona has gone into the history of Italy and from the centuries-old art jewels of Verona to ancient Greece, the Etruskern has been zurückreichen since ancient times in the Greeks and the Middle Ages.

Nach Italien zu reisen bedeutet, sich in a complete art collection ertränken zu welden, von Kleinen, Abgelegenen Dörfern bis hin zu den Großen, berühmten Städten. There are old states, mediocre sights, beautiful churches, original monuments and mosaics, famous museums, UNESCO World Cultural Heritage and the best contemporary art and architecture in Italy. Work of unscathed beauty, which results in a change in beauty.