
“Der Pate 2”-Darsteller John Aprea died at the age of 83

“Der Pate 2”-Darsteller John Aprea died at the age of 83

John Aprea died in the 83rd century. (wue/place)

imago images/Independent photo agency

SpotOn NewsSpotOn News | 18.08.2024, 18:58

The American playwright John Aprea is up to. There are other people from the classic “Der Pate – Part II” and the series “Full House” with a Darsteller that lasts 83 years.

The tall American actor John Aprea (1941-2024) is to. There are in the Zuhaus in Los Angeles a natural todes and some family members who received the US-Promi-Portal “TMZ”, after the manager sent a message. The industry magazine “The Hollywood Reporter” received a message from the manager of the publisher. It is not clear whether it is possible to solve the problem. It became the time from August 5 to August 7 as Todestag.