
Antwort vom Neunjährigen Kracht Stefan Mross at “Immer wieder sonntags” sprachlos

Antwort vom Neunjährigen Kracht Stefan Mross at “Immer wieder sonntags” sprachlos

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If Stefan Mross a new ‘Immer wieder sonntags’-besucher after a friend fragment, there is a sehr selbstsichere, aber auch freche Reaktion.

Rust – For the new edition of “Immer wieder sunntags” (18. August) Stefan Mross (48) loaded the new Sebastian Ludwig from Landshut. “He started with a small, big career”, the Showmaster began with young music from Lower Bavaria, with an accordion on the large show stage in Europapark Rust tritt. Before you can delete your message, you can get to know the moderator of the young guest first – and watch a fragment for another example.

Stefan Mross fragments the new music for “Immer wieder sonntags” after Friends

Letzte Woche (11. August) did not bring the Showmaster nor Hitzewallungen to camp, who put Stefan Mross in the rain for “Immer wieder sonntags”. But Davon is not the Moderator nor the Guests who miss the Laune. One of the new Sebastian Ludwig from Landshut is best to enjoy during the ARD-Show on the Bühne-stehen of the duration.

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Because it is so beautiful, Stefan Mross can be a small host family. There’s more, Sebastian has a private clip. Fragment zu states: “Unter our manners seen: Who is happy with a friend with a new friend?”, fragment of the “Immer wieder sonntags”-Moderator looks interesting. Darauf answers the Niederbayer right self-consciously: “I hab noch keine Freundin. Da hat man nur Stress“.

“Immer wieder sonntags” - Moderator Stefan Mross and the new Sebastian Ludwig
Damit hat der „Immer wieder sonntags“-Moderator nicht gechnet If Stefan Mross is a new guest after a friend-fragt, a sehr self-determination, aber auch freche Antwort geliefert. (Photomontage) © Screenshot: ARD “Immer wieder sonntags” (August 18. August 2024)

The public directs the ways of the answer to the damage of the gel. Stefan Mross can not so strangely glouben, was there an answer to the question: „Was, was, was, was? Die machen nur Stress?“ Sebastian Ludwig wiederholt: „Da hat man nur Stress.“

Kindermund tut Wahrheit kund: „Immer wieder sonntags“-Guest roads Antwort vom Publikum gefeiert

If it’s good, it’s not one of the young guys who are still up to date: “Yes, and they come then irgendwann mal von selbst, wie bei dir.” At the time of the year, his audience can no longer stop. Stefan Mross seems to give his opinion. Then he answers after a few seconds of reflection: “They come then irgendwann mal von selbst wie bei mi? Yes, yes, yes, clear.”

Sebastian Ludwig on Stefan Mross' „Immer wieder sonntags“
Before Seine Freche Aussage erhält der nieuw Sebastian Ludwig vom Immer wieder sonntags-Publikum tosenden Applause. (Photomontage) © Screenshot: ARD “Immer wieder sonntags” (August 18. August 2024)

Last week (August 11) Stefan Mross praised him, saying that Job of the “Immer wieder sonntags”-Moderator would not be able to introduce himself. Resources used: ARD “Immer wieder sonntags” (August 18. August 2024)