
Gourmet restaurant Dichter – Thomas Kellermann in Interview – worlds of food

Gourmet restaurant Dichter – Thomas Kellermann in Interview – worlds of food

This year, Thomas Kellermann is now available for the culinary experience at the Parkhotel Egerner Höfe. There is talk of such a tasteful decoration as the design of gourmet restaurants is closer to the rundumsanierung of the luxury hotels with more convenience. Seine Fine Dining Karriere had started Kellermann in Restaurant Erbprinz in Ettlingen, bought später as Sous-Chef under the leadership of Hans Haas in Restaurant Tantris in Munich. After another station on Sylt and in Berlin, so who would like to have a great guest experience as a kitchen chef in the Restaurant “Kastell” at Burg Wernberg in the Upper Palatinate – wed Kellermann would first like to purchase Michelin Stars – as soon as this summer 2018, we will be in our upper eastern part of the country. Parkhotel Egerner Höfe am Tegernsee. Here is the end of 2023 in the fall of 2023, that is 17 years ago and four years ago in Gault Millau and was voted by Falstaff to Koch des Jahres 2024.

restaurant poet kellermann

gourmet restaurant poet tegernsee

The interview with Spitzenkoch Thomas Kellermann

In an interview with the worlds of the food world Thomas Kellermann in his culinary handwriting, which offers privilege, his robbery with his special events in the gastronomic restaurant is closer.

Thomas, he has spent a few stations in Laufe Ihrer Kariere, who have been in Bavaria for a few years. Do you have any idea how to get money?

Yes, that can be a man. If I come from here, know the family and the peculiarities of the region and the hotel an excellent and optimal working atmosphere. If you use the Glück, you have to make your choice in the Umbau and the Planung. So the man is emotional and another bond, if the man almost flies and tops with a good hat. If it is good, if it still lasts a long time, it does not last long and if the family lives in the family, it can be zurückzahlen. Der Erfolg, it is not that it is self-declared. The gilded is still heartwarming.

interview with thomas kellermann

Ihr Restaurant Dichter puts two Michelin stars and is another high level. Who were our kitchen dishes described?

In the case of a sausage shop, it is a French cuisine, which originates from Tegernsee with regional and seasonal influences – without that but absolutely dogmatic to be. For example, we do not limit the concept region to 50 kilometers around. Of course, it happens that lamb or reh from Neuseeland is in the kitchen, but this is here for the head. If there is a yellow mackerel, which is served with sauerkraut and zitrone, I find nothing in the Tegernsee. If this kind of thing is caused by someone else, it is worth using Saibling, the card is not thought out. I find it very exciting, if collegen in the regional region Sachen or at the Thema Moleculenküche would happen even more. My line, which I follow at my time with Hans Haas, is more moderate, not so revolutionary and is rooted in the foundations of Haute Cuisine, the many classic rediscovered hat. If it is a bit difficult, it is so often the case that it is an own, recognizable signature. Although I naturally do not run with Scheulappen through life, I also see under the sun what the young Wilden so draw.

Was zeichnet Ihre Handschrift aus?

When it is so much fun to cook, you no longer know how clear your machine is, there was a counter on it. It was also a challenge, but it was not that it was more classic to achieve a specific goal or that man could not do. The fact is that it is a matter of a certain degree of security when borrowing. Although the taste of course does not remain on the line, something certain must not be lost.

Addressed Poet Thomas Kellermann

Kühle Erbsensuppe, Imperial caviar – Tatar von der Tegernseer Renke – Tegernseer Reh

If you see Hans Haas as one of the best ways, it is worth buying your book…

Hans Haas war and is an example to me. I have helped my chef in the tantris in Munich – there is a war that my chef is, who is never military, and Ton strengthens in his kitchen, while he sets a good example. I have found an undisputed culinary Line and I have also never learned more Kochhandwerk, but then on the management drumherum. A natural habit with the food of the kitchen fell erlebt. So we were connected to each other on the skifahren, but if we are a huge talent leader, our hinterfahren can look forward to a own League.

Who was in the palace, was the business relationship for Tantris out?

Yes, the war is one of the many consequences this can have. I am in the Alps in the summer, in the winter ski. A fußballmannschaft can fall in Tantris.

Your restaurant is located in the Voralpenland. Are we going to meet a few ski riders from last time?

Durchaus. For the sake of argument, Maria Höfl Riesch and Michael Veith come together to eat. In the war of March 2023, Felix Neureuther in Rahmen has the Veranstaltungsreihe “Poet, Thinker and Legends” here and how he has plaudited the Nähkästchen. Moderation by the Ganze of Markus Othmer, of the ski fans, is the best at the world cup reporter statutes in the ARD-bekannt. Franz Klammer is not happy with his experience, but has a bad knowledge. But also abseits vom Skisport haveten with Reinhold Messner, Fritz Keller, Uli Hoeneß and cooking legend Eckart Witzigmann schon very exciting guests. It is one of the formats that the restaurant guests of the talk shows in Essen have seen, neither at the mirror in the kitchen, but also at the service of ski driving.

Thomas Kellermann Felix Neuruther

Markus Othmer, Thomas Kellermann and Felix Neureuther (from left)

Would you like to hear specific events regarding your privileges?

In the beginning, Linie found it important that the cooks qualified as great privileges. If it is good, the man can make a creative contribution and a man can damn schafft. One of my best experiences is that I have not received any positive feedback. It is of course that the commotion is so strong, that you can enjoy the lectures and get the response from the guest that you want. In the gastronomy and at events with the Veranstaltungsreihe „Poet, Thinker and Legends“ one gets to know an interesting person. In the Berlin Zeit another time the Rolling Stones were hit and the war of Mario Adorf after a restaurant. The Austausch with Solchen Characterize is a privilege. If you die or die, in An- and Abführungszeichen, ganz normalen Gäste glücklich nach Hause gehen, thenn macht mich das froh too. If it is good, if the person is positive Experience gives, if you have a spinning top in a restaurant, then it is still the case that the sale in the active time has happened with so much criticism and conflict.

If you were present at the Rheingau Gourmet and the Wine Festival, you would be happy with your menu and enjoy your time away…

Yes, I can not but Gastkoch for Ort. A renowned Veranstaltung, where many international collegiate meetings can take place. The festival was so long ago that it was the power of Hans B. Ullrich and the tourer Johanna Ullrich, so it was an initiative at all and then a year for the year with so much heartbreak for the organization.

Two Michelin star hats coming closer to each other – the Frage nach dem drängt itself abschließend gewissermaßen auf…

If it is correct, the address is a false address. We have spent a few years with the joint kitchen and service team, a little about our holiday and was so experienced that it was plaudert. The Enzige, what I wanted to see in my mind at the restaurant, was, that we in the kitchen and from the abläufen her always put new accents, ain ain ain couple of adjusting screws and us, that is possible, still improve. However, if the guests notice, that is another fact. If you come in third place, you will see. Once you know that it is a part of history, it will no longer be in Ausruhen.

Then we will say goodbye again and thank you for the nice conversation!

All further information can be found at:

thomas kellermann derk hoberg

Derk Hoberg (right) with Thomas Kellermann in Gourmetrestaurant Dichter zum Gespräch