
Neue Hoffnung für die schnelles Therapie von Depressionen – Nachrichten AG

Neue Hoffnung für die schnelles Therapie von Depressionen – Nachrichten AG

Scientists in China and the US have had a short term in the crisis years, which can possibly improve the therapies by this enormous amount of revolutionary experiences. In a new study, published in the Fachzeitschrift Wissenschaft, the researcher says, that Ketamine, a medicine, the main research as an anesthetic and as an illegal drug is known, in the treatment of depressive brand-name symptoms. Moreover, it is important that the ketamine works, in the form of a renewed antidepressant.

The Forscher of the Zhejiang University can be used, the Ketamin in Mäusen, who is in a depressive phase of life, the neuronal activity in a specific region, of the lateral Habenula, means untouched. This region is active in people with depression and can cause emotional and psychological tension in the relationship. When the blockade becomes active, the disease can occur and the symptoms of depression can manifest themselves.

Mechanism of Action of Ketamine

The nose correction of the Forschung lies in the upgrading of the working mechanism of Ketamin. The war is unclear, but the drugs that concern the symptoms of depression are affected. The active life, that Ketamin was not blocked by the NMDA receptors in the hippocampus, was very outdated, that this region could play another role in the antidepressant effect of the world. The team that is most active, is that the hippocampus is in a depressive situation, while the effect of the medical effect of the medical world is known.

One of the most important points in the study is that the effect of Ketamin can follow in the short time. If you are given an antidepressant medication, it is often helpful that you get a powerful treatment with Ketamin symptom of minutes. There are new people for the treatment of patients, the depressive episode lasts for a while and there is a high degree of courtesy for the approximately 280 million people who live in a depression.

Ketamin and signaling drugs

It is not common for the treatment of ketamine in therapy to be different. The number of times the drugs are used is a good idea of ​​the longevity of the drugs, with the amount of ketamine added to the free time. Side effects can lead to other irreversible blister damage and cognitive deficiencies. If the fragment is like this, it is that ketones can be used effectively and efficiently in medical practice, or it may be that there is a problem with the release of costs in the wiederholen.

It is not possible to study depressed people. If you are not depressed, but no longer respond to ketamine, it was very difficult to use the drugs that were depressed. If you want to undergo specialist treatment, it is very light that the therapy is directed to the affected patient.

Abschließend ist festzuhalten, dass de Entdeckung des spezifische Wirkmechanismus von Ketamine nicht nur the Potenzial hat, new Therapies for people with depression in the entwickeln, sonondern the Wahrnehmung von Ketamin in the medical world of the fundamental changes könnte. With a structure and a basic knowledge of the use of medicines for many patients, who lead a charged Erkrankung, is a new Hoffnung bedeuten.

A new Hopeful Splinter

The knowledge about ketamine, who has wisdom and knowledge of the matter, can end the power of mental health care in the world. The operation of the medical mechanisms of the drugs is no longer a new perspective for therapy, but can be one of the new basic legends that are the best substances in medical treatment. Moreover, in the tradition of therapy it is not possible to have a long positive experience, it is essential that a new way to this kind of thing is found. Ketamin can act as a problem in the treatment of depression over the years.

Waiting Bedeutung von Ketamin in der Psychiatrie

The use of Ketamin for the treatment of depression has gained in popularity and tranquility in recent years. In the US and the states, Ketamin is used in other clinics for treatment-resistant depression. These clinics often offer intravenous ketamine infusions and the inner health of hours can be administered. A study in JAMA Psychiatry said that 70% of patients had inner complaints that made a significant report of the symptoms.

The American Psychiatric Association has taken action, a study of Ketamin to treat the physical capacities underlying it, while a number of safety protocols were developed. The Forschung in that Bereich grew, was in the clinical study a broader mirror, and died in the first years.

Risks and effects of Ketamin

The chance of a seizure on the antidepressant may be greater than the treatment with ketamine. Long-term complaints may develop in some patients with severe psychotic symptoms, who fall under high dosages. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has indicated that the regularity of the illness and the lack of use of Ketamin could increase one of the health risks of an illness, but the note was one of the most common illnesses and controls in its provision.

Additionally, long-term studies on the safety and effectiveness of Ketamin as a treatment for depression have not yet begun. Because we have done a large clinical study, the long-term of research into the best results and the best identifications is possible.

Alternative Treatment Methods

In the risk of risk and the tatsache ketomin is not helpful for patients, but it is an alternative treatment method for depression. Psychotherapy, especially cognitive therapy, can also work. An active meta-analysis, published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, said that psychotherapy can have a significant effect on the symptoms in patients.

Darüber has gained the experience of neurofeedback and new experiences with the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a non-invasive treatment for depression and mindfulness. These methods can not be recommended, except for patients, who do not respond to a recurrent treatment.