
Absteiger starts with Zweistelgem Heimsieg

Absteiger starts with Zweistelgem Heimsieg

With a furious 10:1 Heimsieg against the VfR Foret, the Kreisliga-Absteiger SSV Anhausen could start in the new Saison der Kreisklasse Nordwest. The second Absteiger TSV Neus besieged the Aufsteiger SVD Erlingen with 4:1.

Northwest Region

SSV Anhausen – VfR EM Foret 10:1 (4:0). In 10:1-Sieg ließen sie de gast aus Foret nicht den Hauch a Chance. Four Tore for the SSV deceased Alexander Micheler (7./23./61./65.). The remaining Torausbeute parts are Michael Duda (38./42.), Joschka Lackner (51.), Michae Schrettle (57.), Jakob Sitka (81.) and Hannes Maletzke (87.). The first goal for the guest was Ali Günddüz (64.). TSV Täfertingen – TSV Dinkelscherben II 6:1 (2:0). Bereits after eight minutes delay with 2:0 in Führung by Treffer von Vasile Isaila (5.) and Robert Markovic-Mandic (8.). After the domination over the Heimelf and four other goals had gone by Vasile Isaila (53.), Robert Markovic-Mandic (67.), Simon Weis (72.) and Mohamed Toure (75.) night. For the guest Michael could Hafner achieves the first goal (65.) FC Langweid – TSV Ustersbach 4:2 (1:1). My owner is Malik Benzanech from TSV Ustersbach in the season’s winner (7.). But with two goals from Trooper Dennis Biber (18./ 54.) the TSV could bring out the Missgeschick and with 2:1 in Führung gohen. After Christoph Werner had played the game with a Doppelpack in four minutes of Gunsten from the FCL (57. Elfmeter/61.), he had a good feeling received. Michael Angerer with a 4:2 final score (63). SV Gablingen – FC Emersacker 4:4 TSV Neusäß – SV Erlingen 4:1 (1:0) The Kreisliga-Absteiger from Neusäß were able to achieve a good score in the Kreisklasse. With Toren von Tomislav Rezo (33.), Giteh Landing (69.) und een Doppelpack van Teeo Pajazic (74./86.) ließ ersten Heimspiel nichts anbrenner en sich vom zischenzeitlichen Ausgleich durch Fabian Wolf (56.) nicht Bremsen. TSV Leitershofen – SC Biberbach 2:1 (0:1) Gleich the first action brought the guests through Lukas Huber (2.). During a lost trade meter from Max Wieland (65.) depending on TSV Leitershofen from Ausgleich. After the chance of both, an owner by Simon Wiedemann, who was an einköpfte in his own closet, brought the Entscheidung (80.). Damit stands at the end of a glücklicher Sieg for the Leitershofer in the Ergebnisliste.

District class South