
The war Tag four of the Training Camps – Tims Tagebuch and Photos

The war Tag four of the Training Camps – Tims Tagebuch and Photos

Unser Trainingscamp is no longer active. Zwar steht tomorrow nor the Testspiel gegen die Graz 99ers in Kitzbühel and, but anschließThe end of the journey is directly in the Heimat, we will spend the last night here in Austria. He stood for everyone in the field of regeneration and team building in the preparation – a couple who once had to deal with Tim Wohlgemuth, was a message in the Tagebuch message of the training camp.

Dear Haie fans,

I report my last few days at the Training Camp, which we will do tomorrow with our Test Game in Kitzbühel and the futureßand the journey to Cologne was made.

If you have done one of the first things in the season game, you can as a leader end the two drops that need to be crumbled. There is a Stelle on the Egg, which is a big game for a SpielerßIt is a very likely challenge – from the party that is going in the right direction, or if more has been said.

After the game in the TIWAG Arena was played, there was only a little thing and the team in Innsbruck is not used anymore. So it was that it went so well that the team spirit took care of the team spirit. Our bus driver Enrico, who has found his best work here, spent a few nights in the city.

Heute Morgen gab’s wie immer zwischen 08:30 and 10:00 Uhr Frühstück, anschließEnd of the basketball court is one of the activities of the Revue, passions and other a few other geworfen. If you want to follow a team-internal workshop in smaller groups – after you have become in the groups in the neighborhood, you can build up a part of the Sachen in the conference room.

We had a lot of fun during the day – Stormi, Maxi, Senni and Hank since then we had the Sportplatz des SV Fügen, a little Fußball challenge with the Jungs vom SVF to absolve. I knowß of course clean, we won hat. Ihr müsst euch wahrscheinlich noch bis Dienstag patience.

The free time was then enjoyed together as a team and took place here in the Therme. The latter are aimed at clearing and fine welding. Since 17 o’clock we were in the hotel, then we went to Zimmer, ehe at 19 o’clock then the evenings at the program stand.

Gerade is ready at 8:45 PM, nor a few baskets have been recruited – they are cool, or a basket in the Haie-Zentrum of the haben, that could really happen here. Jetzt chill here with the team colleague, zimmere the taste in the laptop, one of our favorite tags is erzählen. It would be nice to have a small weekend, if tomorrow our game in Kitzbühel in Graz would be fought, we would have a small Mütze Schlaf and more as a star night would not be damaged.

It’s my Spaß power, and also a bisschen mitsunehmen and courte, that’s a fallen hat!

Dear GrüßIn Cologne and when I’m free, I want to see another – wo auch immer – wiedersehen!

Eternal time

The best bathing bath in the Therme hatte heute:
Parker Tuomie

Enjoy the buffet with the best results:
Die Nougat-Taschen als Nachtisch

With these Mannschaftskollegen I am with them during the time:
Tobias Ancicka

Photos: Denis Wroblewski