
QTA starts Umphage zu Overtourism

QTA starts Umphage zu Overtourism

In Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Fried & Partner set up the QTA (Quality Travel Alliance) in a series of intensive studies with the theme of overtourism.

The soul of the Befragung is a source of inspiration, in which the theme in travel is present and who enjoys the ability to communicate.

These increasingly relevant themes set a future reform for the tourism industry that will enhance the attention and support of the activities that are directly associated with the environment.

Massentourismus als Belastung für Destinationen: Die Ergebnisse der QTA-Umfrage were made public in September 2024.

The environment is best left empty and still remains in its own small space during the time of the day. Soul is what it is, that the questions may be answered intuitively were solved. Ebenso sind die Einschätzungen der Experten zur möglichen zukünftigen Entwicklunglung der Problematik von großem Intereste.

Die Teilnahme erolgt selbstverständlich anonym. Such time-lapses were reflected in the person of the external elements of the Teilnehmenden möglich sein.

The travel agency QTA, the RTK and AER partners, as well as travel and TVG news, are welcome to visit your destination and visit the tourist office.

Here you can directly enjoy the atmosphere.

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QTA, Halle 45