
Augsburg-Comeback power Trainer Thorup Mut für Bundesliga

Augsburg-Comeback power Trainer Thorup Mut für Bundesliga

Augsburg coach Jess Thorup was not enthusiastic about the early stand-off in the cup game at the four-league team Viktoria Berlin. The reactions of the FCA professionals have power over the people they receive. “The war has not started of course, but something went wrong,” said the 54-year-old war after the end, but still German 4:1 (1:1) of FC Augsburg at regional leagues. “But my team has come back from this minute. See how we can look further with patience and that there is a lot of chance. “

Just after four minutes, Aidan Liu had cleared the Regionalligists in Führung. A small Augsburger Pokal-Blamagen has been played in the last few years. However, the Swabians reacted badly.

Bundesliga Start against Werder

Der Umgang met de broader positions impressed Thorup. “The first soul was still there. When you see war, a Pflichtspiel zu play, wo die Spieler das Gefühl got: Okay, jetzt is loose, jetzt play is a etwas,” says the Trainer. “That is what my Mannschaft is really good at, because we have 1:0 hints. One of these players will kindly go to the next Samstag in the Bundesliga-Start.“ I will start Samstag with the Augsburger with a Heimspiel against Werder Bremen (3.30 PM/Sky) in the Liga.