
Kein Alcohol is the best Empfehlung for Gesundheit – Nachrichten AG

Kein Alcohol is the best Empfehlung for Gesundheit – Nachrichten AG

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) has marketed and exploited an alcohol legend in its company, which markets alcoholic beverages. This separation is probably not the case, but it can be a moderate alcohol mixture, neither as unnoticed and to healthy nutrition. The new insight is based on active investments and has a greater impact on general prosperity.

In the new Positions paper that is being sanded by the DGE, it is no longer possible to get the amount of alcohol in the mixture. Early adopters, that alcohol could bring about massive health benefits, were further explained by a comprehensive analysis of studies. The DGE is an alcoholic and psychoactive drink and could result in a connection with 200 negative effects.

A critical look at the bisherigen Empfehlungen

The DGE has its young, pregnant and still women who keep an eye on alcoholic beverages. It is no longer the case that one’s own health is among the unborn and the säuglingenschützen. If you reduce the amount of alcohol, you can use a larger amount of alcohol – a warning that produces especially young people.

By studying here, the positive effects of alcoholic beverages are suggestible, if they are erroneously herausgestellt. Researchers from Canada have analyzed and celebrated 107 long-term studies, this methodical defect in the study of ergensen has a good experience. The DGE sees the connecting amount of alcohol and health care as a complex and warns endring for the healthy risks, which are connected with the consumption.

There is no alarming effect on the high temperature of alcohol in Germany. In 2019, the consumption was more than twice as high as the world-wide Durchschnitt. Because it is so difficult, the DGE is no longer an individual, but part of a gesamtgesellschaftlichen Wandel-plädiert.

Health risks cannot be ignored

The risk of alcohol consumption can be very high. Along with cravings are diseases such as cancer, heart and cardiovascular diseases, stomach and intestinal diseases as well as diabetes mellitus Follow a high alcohol consumption. Especially the management regulation of alcoholic beverages and the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other dementia diseases.

It seems that the DGE, the alcohol consumption, brings social and psychosocial problems. Infallibilities, injuries and injuries are a big investment in the excessive consumers, who are never a self-made consumers, but under the Umfeld involvement.

Make sure that these problems occur during the development of the DGE by larger companies. If you can no longer use any person, think about alcohol, but there is also a significant burden on your healthy lifestyle.


Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen des Alkoholkonsums

Eliminating alcoholic beverages on health can be difficult and complex. Word of the World Health Organization (WHO) puts alcohol at the forefront of preventable illnesses and predictable deaths welltweit. More than 3 million people have a strong influence on alcoholic beverages and accidents. In Europe, it does not die under supervision that the continent has a high alcohol content. The WHO statement that alcohol no longer comes into trouble can cause a major problem and a social problem. WHO.

Entwicklung der official Empfehlungen

The recommendations for alcohol consumption have been grimly walked in the run of the year. Earlier, moderate alcohol consumption was often seen as “good”, based on an own research, the new rates of heart disease in more drinking people. It may be that there is an incomplete criticism. In the years that years take, one becomes acquainted with the harmful effects of alcohol on the new direction of these recommendations. The German Society for Nutrition can not work now, it is no problem to use alcohol and get the full overview of the best management groups, especially for gefährdete Person groups with children and pregnant.

Weltweite Trends and Statistics of Alkoholkonsum

According to the WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018, alcohol consumption in various states. In Germany, the Pro-Kopf consumption in 2019 was 12.8 liters of alcohol in the hand, which was more than the double global consumption. These data are intended to track a trend and maintain the note, preventive measures against serious diseases, a healthy and social risk of alcohol consumption to minimize. The WHO has urged the states to take political measures, to limit the policy on alcohol and alcohol restrictions. WHO.

Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und Präventionsansätze

Alcohol consumption is no longer an individual, but a general problem. Alcohol abuse has a high degree of protection against combustion, a family conflict and a high burden on the healthy system. Prevention programs, the warning and sensitizing effect of the risk of alcohol consumption are separated. Study well, this is a good program for cashing in alcohol consumption in debts and effective community activities. Initiatives, the positive influence of sports and cultural activities on alcohol concrete, can act as a problem. It is important that these problems are not solved and that a long-term processing of problems will take place. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung.