
NRW-See all around water: spectacular sightseeing walks

NRW-See all around water: spectacular sightseeing walks

  1. wading
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

In the Phoenix war in Dortmund in 2009 I still couldn't acknowledge that I said a Luftbild. Before the element gets going again, it can work well.
In the war of 2009 of the Phoenix-See in Dortmund I have never acknowledged. Before the element gets going again, it can work well. © TIM-online/Geobasis NRW

The Phoenix-See is a credible Ausflugsziel in Dortmund and the Living Area of ​​the Reichs and Schönen. Spektakuläre Luftbilder says in komplett ohne Wasser.

Dortmund – The Dortmund Phoenix-See is elongated as an escape destination in NRW established. There is a quick experience with the Westfalenpark and the Florianturm, a hallmark from Dortmund has become. Before you are no longer a war village, you are on 24 hectares (that is quickly 17 football fields) large lake ist, yet no water at all. Spectacular air- and satellite images look at the hiking tour through the areas.

Phoenix-See in Dortmund complete with water: spectacular sightseeing walks

We knew the testament, when the Phoenix-See was a stelle in the Dortmund-Hörde war, must in the time of Kohle and Stahl back. The history of the water in the southern part of the Ruhr area has gained a great name.

In 2015, the Phoenix-See war was a complete fuss. Am Südufer war aber noch fell Grünfläche zu recognise.
In 2015, the Phoenix-See war was a complete fuss. Am Südufer war aber noch fell Grünfläche zu recognise. © TIM-online/Geobasis NRW

Dort, where Tretboote and Enten are one of the Wette paddlen, entstand Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts das Stahl- und Eisenwerk Hermannshütte, später wurde dieser gesamte Bereich Phoenix Ost genannt. The Ruhrpott and North Rhine-Westphalia are changing themselves, Kohle and Stahl are being made bare by the strong deterioration. In April 2001, after the quiet operation of the works, the part of the Anlage after the Chinese transport and the dort in Betrieb was taken. Three years ago, in 1998, there were visits to the Hochofenstandort Phoenix West – other people who were interested in Bergmann Brauerei, Phoenix of the Lights or also the Techno-Club Tresor.West anyway, rich start-ups and companies – the lighter ones. Dann der Krasse Hiking.

Daten und Facten zum Phoenix-See in Dortmund:

Length: 1.2 kilometers
Maximum width: 320 meters
Circular route around the sea: 3.2 kilometers
Volume seekers: 600,000 cubic meters
Additional information about volumes for the hochwasser: 235,000 cubic meters

2006 followed the Arbeiten, an area in the See for walking. Around 2.5 Millionen Cubic Meters of Ground must be excavated. A country that lands on the “Kaiserberg”, is a beautiful view over the Phoenix-See and the rest of Dortmund.

The Phoenix-See in Dortmund, who owns his knowledge: Rundherum is great. The Satellitenbild is from the year 2021.
The Phoenix-See in Dortmund, who owns his knowledge: Rundherum is great. The Satellite Image dates back to 2021. © TIM-online/Geobasis NRW

2011 war of the Phoenix-See in Dortmund completely blown

“After the end of the year, starting on October 1, 2010, we will be able to see the largest and most successful completion of the projects: the start of the project will be completed,” writes the City of Dortmund. It started a year ago, in May 2011, and the war ended. “Sämtliche Bauzäune konnten abgebaut and somit die Naherholungsanlage Phoenix See der Bevölkerung dauerhaft zugänglich gemacht”, heißt es. Der beliebte See because in Dortmund war was fierce.

This is the time of the Möhnesee der largest See in NRW. But RWE will play the Tagebau in Hambach with water flutes and will therefore see a bigger entstehen welded. If the Tagebau Hambach is in a Riesensee in NRW, it could take another year. Human sollen in deutlich früher nutzen können schon deutlich früher nutzen.