
Two steps for a healthy start in the autumn

Two steps for a healthy start in the autumn

EFERDING. The Biohof Achleitner in Eferding is set for the health of human beings and nature and will be happy to spend some time during the summer holidays.

Fascination Fascination

Is Nordic Walking a good idea? Was the hat of the Ötzi with the highest Körperbau like that? When these are active, Vortrag „Faszination Faszien“ can appeal to the person in the World of Faszien a man. Physiotherapist Alexander Thiel provides the fascination for the effect and the effect of it. If the practical matters are focused on it, it will go well and fit. So let the man take the time to enjoy and cook, a slow schmerzfrei and beweglich zu bleiben.

End date: Samstag, August 31, 2024, 10:30 AM–12 PM Eintritt: 25 euros/person

Doc-Talk Microbiome

At “Doc-Talk Mikrobiom” said that Medical doctor, biologist and author Martin Grassberger, who Mikrobiom, biodiversity, environment and nutrition are our best best ideas. If you are in the soil, there is an unnoticed net of livelihood and an unmanaged inner life. A large artificial trap and a sustainable agriculture provide for the public health in our interior. At that time, the invisible network becomes visible and the biological way of life becomes deutlich.

End date: Samstag, September 14, 2024, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Eintritt: 25 euros/person

Connect Vortragsbesuch with Bio-Genuss

The Bio-Kulinarium, the organic restaurant at the Biohof Achleitner, allows you to relive the Vorträgen zum Bio-Genuss. Here a man can start the tag from 8 o’clock with a fine frühstück, together with the buffet, or the refund to the other options to discuss further. Please make sure you reserve your time in advance.