
Schulstart 2024: Schulweg-Check – Road safety for first class passengers

Schulstart 2024: Schulweg-Check – Road safety for first class passengers

Schulstart 2024: Sichersten Schulweg als en mehrmals gemeinsam gehen. In case of long debts: Please make sure you have adequate transportation costs. Reflective debts and helle-kleidung lagen zur Sichtbarkeit bei. Autofahrer:innen: Runter vom Gas! TÜV-Verband gives tips for a safe Schulweg.

Image by Thomas on Pixabay

With the onset of new debts and the establishment of their childhood, the theme is the debt path that lies in the Fokus. “A good education is that the A and the O are good, because my children are able to have a safe school,” said Fani Zaneta, Director of Transport at the TÜV-Verband. “If you notice the debt, you will find that you can integrate a number of things into the Alltag.” Remember autofahrende heißt is here: runter vom Gas! The TÜV Association gives tips on who gives the debtor the best guarantee.

Appell an Autofahrer:innen: Runter vom Gas!

Autofahrer: It involves a debt initiation that lasts eight years. Before all debts receive extra attention in the future and the tax is reduced. “The burden of being responsible for the traffic regulations is extremely high,” said Zaneta. “Weitere Maßnahmen wie Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, Zebrastreifen, zuätzliche Ampeln, Mittelinseln and der Ausbau von Radwegen können die Sicherheit auf Schulwegen weiterhöhen.”

This is the safe way to the Schule

The freestyle road is no longer safe. “Elterne sollten gemeinsam with the Schulweg soorgfältig plans and possible consequences who grim befahrene Straßen, unübersichtliche Kreuzungen oder Baustellen berücksichtigen,” said Zaneta. “Zebrastreifen, Ampeln und Mittelinseln sollten bevorzugt genutzt were, but wenn dies small Umwege bedeutet.“ Orientation could be Schulwegpläne bieten, die von Lehrkräften, Eltern and Behörden became a separate Routen empfehlen. A Beispiel is the Schulwegplanner of the Initiative für sichere Straßen GmbH. The Homepage identifies driving information, which was retrieved on a road map and ranged from yellow to red. If you have the possibility to change your own data, you can expand and update the database.

Go to a real terms and conditions

“Especially that it is so that Eltern the Schulweg with its childish mehrmals is a real condition – ideal for the Zeiten, to find the Way that the Debt Years back is laid out”, said Zaneta. Because the critical comments on the course of events and the different perspectives are considered, the children are in the right way verdeutlich. So teach the children, the perspective other traffic steepeners to turn in and Gefahren voausschauend turn in. “Children often have the small amounts of herbs not put in the street traffic and were made lighter”, said Zaneta. There is a perspective that you can understand if you arrange the debt burden over time.

Long term planning

A more stress-free start in the Tag is separated from the Security on the Schulweg. If you have a daycare tomorrow, then the guilt road is as fun as you want it to be. “Zeitdruck führt oft dazu, dass Kinder unsichere Abkürzungen nehmen, run or unaufmerksam became – all factors that increase the risk of accident,” said Zaneta.

The appropriate transportation assistance

If children want to go from school to debt, they must take the debt of the debt, the business of the school and never again of the kind of business they have. Do you know the fundamental rules of traffic? Can it be that the expenses are arranged in the right way? Is it a vertäumt or a light act? A sinful business for children is a debt-road community: children from the nachbarschaft end up in the group with an adult on the debt, all of them. “It is important that children also learn the right stories in the group,” Zaneta states. “If you are not able to las, suddenly run across the road.”

First class: within sollten nach Möglichkeit zu Fuß zur Schule gehen. “Der Fußweg bietet etetet nur die Möglichkeit, fresh Luft zu schnappen, sondern fördert as well as wichtige cognitive Fähigkeiten wie das Einschätzen of Entfernungen, das Richtungshören und damit auch the Erkennen von Gefahren im Straßenverkehr”, so Zaneta.

Guilty path that lasts a long time, is a simple solution for a sinful alternative. What is it, it is worth traveling by bus and Bahn. The right articles and the test list, the advance sale of the Fahrkarte, the safe Mitfahren and the knowledge of the Strecke are more likely. Genaue Absprachen for an unexpected fall as for example the fall of a bus given the children additional safety. What it is all about is that the children in the hall can no longer go to the bus and can no longer go to the bus.

Zaneta: “The Fahrrad is for Schulanfänger: little is a problem, that it is often nor over-ordered, the Fahrrad will be controlled and the traffic will be smooth.” It is also gilded, when the children are überwiegend on Gehwegen belowwegs. Only in the fourth grade is the processing of the curriculum and children’s lessons an end to a fahrradprüfung ab.

Avoid “alternative taxis”

Other people cannot drive their childhood directly to school. There are high debts for the debts that cause a high degree of insecurity. An alternative is a special “Elternhaltestellen” in the vicinity of the school, which can be arranged in joint work with the local belongings.

Visibility requirements

Gerade die Kleinsten in Straßenverkehr leicht übersehen. Good visibility is an absolute must for road traffic. Otherwise, check whether the instructions are given according to the TÜV certificates. This is based on the requirements of DIN Norm 58124, the additional requirements for reflective material design. If you notice another eight times in the winter months that your childish or reflective clothing becomes slower, then other traffic steepenhmenden in wind and wet conditions will become.

Schulwegplaner der Initiative für sichere Straßen GmbH

About the TÜV association: If the TÜV-Verband eV is concerned with the political interests of the TÜV testing organization and supports the competent Australian our Members. We establish a technical and digital security for the maintenance of vehicles, products, analyses and services. Foundation is based on all general standards, unacceptable Tests and qualified Further education. If you see that the high level of technical technical security has been achieved, you slow down the digital world to buy and expand our life foundations. It is a straight issue with politics, policy, media, companies and consumers.

Source: TÜV-Verband e. V.