
Angebote in der Prozessautomatisierung bündeln

Angebote in der Prozessautomatisierung bündeln


The German sensor company SICK and the Swiss Mess- and Automation Technology specialist Endress+Hauser have entered into a strategic partnership. Endress+Hauser offers an excellent service and analysis of process analyses and gas flow by SICK. A community company has been founded for the production and reconstruction. The soul of the partnership is that you can profit from your efficiency, nor from your scaffolding.

SICK and Endress+Hauser have jointly analyzed a strategic partner organization in October 2023. You can set the costs and the costs for the installation of the Kooperation equipment. After the immunity from inspection has been achieved, both companies are now an entsprechende vereinbarung onterzeichnet. As a result of the transaction, which has been concluded in this way, the annual meeting 2024/25 is planned and you continue to generate cartel law.

Endress+Hauser offers excellent service and service

A key point of a strategic partnership is that Endress+Hauser completely takes over the Sales and Service for Process Analysis and Gas Through-Flow Measurement Technology. 800 special sales and service forces were carried out in 42 countries from SICK to Endress+Hauser. If you want to make a profit, you can get more products from one source. The global Endress+Hauser Sales Network has won a number of awards, more branches have been established and new application areas have been closed.

Gemeinschaftsunternehmen für Entwicklung und Fertigung

A production and analysis process of the process analysis and the gas consumption message system would form a common unit from 2025, and both partners would stop 50 projects. There is a more German locations and 730 employees. An efficient product innovation, which closely networks the community services with the competence centers of Endress+Hauser work.

Angebote for the process automation itself

The Angebote der both Unternehmen in der Prozesstechnik ergänzen sich in idealer Weise. SICK’s products have been used, in particular, in waste disposal, kraft, steel and zement works, in the oil and gas industries, in chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as in the production process – and in the case of emissions treatment for the waste gas cleaning process or for the long-lasting cleaning of waste gas and water.

Gegenseitiger Nutzen im Mittelpunkt

“This strategic partnership is SICK and Endress+Hauser Opportunities for Wachstum and Entwicklung. We are on our way, we are working together and continue to work together in the future. More information can be obtained if you look at the website for yourself – you will be able to benefit from it and make use of it.” and both Unternehmen,” says Dr. Peter Selders, CEO of Endress+Hauser Gruppe.

Nightly transformation vorantreiben

“The next transformation in the production industry is a success and the best possible solutions for the future, the chances of development are useful. This brings SICK and Endress+Hauser Technology Competence and Market Expertise together. I am a business partner and we have a strategic partnership, so die Zukunft der Prozessautomation gemeinsam zu gestalten,” says Dr. Mats Gökstorp, Vorstandsvorsitzender of SICK AG.

Kooperationspartner met veld Gemeinsamkeiten

Both parties understand the sustainable transformation as an opportunity for their business. Gemeinsam can offer its knowledge with which topics energy and resources sources for climate and environmental protection, nor will it take longer and long with the carbonization of the production processes. Schon bisher has SICK and Endress+Hauser with wieder auftrags-, project and customer bezogen zucombengegerittet. Both families connect each other with a long-term business agreement.

People in the center

Endress+Hauser and SICK are providing attractive working conditions for all treatments. “We will meet our new colleagues and colleagues in the Endress+Hauser team, who will fulfill their know-how and their experience. The installation of the plans will take a long time, one of our best ideas to win even more,” said Peter Selders.

Fabrik- und Logistikautomation nicht Teil der Partnerschaft

SICK is one of the best healthcare facilities for sensor-based applications for industrial applications. The company is working with 60 different companies and stakeholders to display the current Globus. It will be worth more than 12,000 dollars and will be worth 2.3 billion euros in 2023. The core business of factory and logistics automation, in SICK generates over 80 percent of the turnover, remains untouched by the partnership.

Nahtlose Weiterführung des Geschäfts

Both can be performed with a higher priority, while the safety of the company is determined. When SICK and Endress+Hauser were able to work in process automation, the shutdown was put an end to.