
Wiener Stadliga – Mannswörther konnten Rückstand wettmachen

Wiener Stadliga – Mannswörther konnten Rückstand wettmachen

Mannswörth – Stadlau 2:1. The party can use a hub during the reservation with a 30-minute break. Make sure that Mannswörth starts with the spaeten as a sour event and the war lasts for minutes in the Vorteil. With the host family’s first fears about the command and the Hausherren in the Bredouille. One of the fallen chances of Stadlauwerd after 18 minutes. David Bednarcik schloss een schöne Kombination zum 1:0 ab. “We can’t have two more Gegentore cashiers,” says Coach Claus Schönberger, who is in charge of the Hintertreffen war. But after a Flame Speech in the Pause, the Mannswörther wait for the Seitenwechsel auf. Black and white Stadlau is still a German, but the Schlagzahl der Heimischen is very high. Consider after the 1:1 through the single Ugur Sezen, the a Pass von Saidouna Conde with a Schupfer zu verwerten wusste. The plötzliche war that offends the party and the Zuschauer is an offensive schlagabtausch. The Happy End takes place after the Mannswörther: In the 89. Minutes Özdemir can create a Flachschuss game with 2:1 in the Maschen. “It is not always a better manner,” said Schönberger. “It is a glücklicher Sieg, who will play part of this game and how I will experience the End Erfolg.”

WAF Brigittenau – Schwechat 2:1. The Braustädter suffers from enormous personal problems during the camps. “Elf Spieler vom Kader has fefehlt WAF,” reported Teambetruer Aleksandar Palalic. “Trotzdem hat die Mannschaft everything gegeben and we could be proud of it.”

A shock moment begins in the 31st minute. Marvin Puschner went to a Zweikampf in Boden. Palalic: “Bänder im Knöchel geissen.” Der nächste Rückschlag für die Braustädter, die aber wenig später in Führung. Yannic Mattes fights a Kaya-Flanke-einnetzte. “Danach has two good chances to live. “They want to be reinforcing,” said Palalic about two Hunderter by Djordjevic.

So it came in the second passage that it was impossible. Brigittenau pressed and then a winger Milan Milovanovic to 1:1 a (58.). After Piotr Pawlowski in the second place played SVS goalkeeper Haydar Bayram with 2:1, he follows the next attack. „