
Economy: Kiev Offensive and the Next Steps for EU Gas Supply

Economy: Kiev Offensive and the Next Steps for EU Gas Supply

If the Ukrainian company works on the Russian territory, it is in control of one of the most important gas points. Russian Gas will no longer fly through Ukraine for a long time.

During the Formarsch of Ukraine in the Russian region of Kursk, the Gascnotenpunkt in Sudscha is grimly focused.

Only a few kilometres from the Ukrainian border crossing, here on Russian territory, there is a larger distribution point for Erdgas, which exports to Europe. The gas from Siberia came here before Ukraine was pumped into the EU countries in Hungary, Austria and the Slovak world.

In the past that a Ukrainian military brigade made a video of soldiers in the office of the Russian gas companies Gazprom in Sudscha and erklärte, the station is a full control. Russia has gained power today, while Ukraine no longer has control over history.

As the world of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Satellitenbilder lights up, the attack becomes a bit of a focus on the camps in the area.

Gazprom is working on the end of the world, pumping gas from southern Ukraine, while the grid operators in Austria and Hungary declare that supply will no longer take place.

Was we able to pass the Knotenpunkt in Sudscha während der Kämpfe?

If Ukraine and Russia can no longer use gas transport in South Africa, the entsprechen infrastructure will not be damaged.

Benjamin Hilgenstock of the Kiew Economic School said that when the breakthrough of Russian gas was gone, Ukraine took over the time of its own territory, so it is not a grund, the station in South Switch to that Zweck zu erobern.

“I am not completely alone, but that is relevant,” said the DW. “If Ukraine stops in the Russian Transit, the gas stops, but that’s it.”

South is the only transit point in Russia, nor gas in the direction of Ukraine further. In May 2022, during the Monate after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the choice was made for the gas transfers over the Sochraniwka transit point in the east of the Russian control over the Ukrainian region of Luhansk.

Who will continue to use Russian gas in Ukraine after the European flight?

In December 2019, Moskau and Kiev will be happy to discuss the Durchleitung von Russian Gas through Ukraine, and they will be able to protect the state’s internal government, Gazprom and Naftogaz.

If we appear in December 2024, and we have received a long signal, this will never happen again. Russland says that this is a good thing, while the Abkommen come out of the air.

While Abkommen does not desire, Russian gas will remain longer during the flight in Ukraine. Hilgenstock should focus on the interest in Ukraine, nor Russlands, the love for her einzustellen.

“The European Länder, the Russian gas that is still in the Ukrainian pipeline system, has been erased, it is a definite date at the end of the years,” he explains. “I don’t think it is so clear, if I get into the verbs of my fourfold passion with the gas flow.”

If the Russian gas industry during the war period made the choice for the main demand, for the EU countries as a losing partner, they will do their best to stop.

After the Ukrainian central bank paid 1.4 billion euros from Russian gas transit and earned 355 million euros in the first three months. “I am big and Geese is for the Ukrainian page of the vernachlässigen,” said Hilgenstock and the fight against Ukraine, when the gas storage in Ukraine no longer existed at the end of 2024. “It is a fact that the end has been reached. In a normal situation, we will continue to grow. In that fall it will not happen anymore.”

Where does Russian gas ever come to Europe?

When the war began in Ukraine, the European heads of state and government were swayed, with their long-standing dependence on Russian gas and other uses. There is a problem with the war in the country: in the course of 2021 it will last longer than one of the imported earth gases in the EU in Russia.

The European Union will use Russian sanctions to hang and insult, but man can no longer hate. Some of the federal states have significantly reduced their imports of Russian gas products. After Brussels calls, the first of the Russian pipeline gas and gas imports sank from 40 percent in the year 2021 to 8 percent in the year 2023.

If you see that you want to have liquid gas (LNG) transported with a – Earth gas, it is cooled down and liquidated, a ship transport -, so take care of the Gesamtanteil des Rusland Gassen in the EU in the course of 15 years.

After the Gemeinnützigen Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) in Finland’s capital Helsinki, the EU imported Russian LNG worth 3.6 billion euros and Russian pipeline gas worth 4.8 billion euros in the first half of 2024. The power is more than three quarters of the demand for Russian coal water – essentially oil – from.

Österreich, Ungarn and the Slovak importers or always Gas über Pipelines from Russia. As quickly as the Erdgas in Austria comes to Russia, if the Regierung in Wien concretes, it will be active after alternative such.

Ungarn and Slovak people both found their destination in Moscow, because they get a chance for the end of love during the end of 2024 in Ukraine. When a gas company started the Turkish demolition, the gas would fly over the Turkstream Pipeline and fall out of Russia.

The Slovak party is no longer impressed, but the Slovak Gas Corporation SPP can put up with the risk of Russian gas extraction and a sale with non-Russian suppliers for more years.

How does Russian gas provide a long-lasting future in Europe?

The Ukrainian route has now been stripped bare, the Turkstream wahrscheinlich which became a practical pipeline route for Russian gas to Europe. Russian LNG is coming into the EU in increasingly larger blends. France, the Netherlands and Spain belong to the largest Abnehmern.

After the trade databases of Kpler, Russia is in the region of the largest LNG-Lieferant der EU. The LNG supply to the Russian powers over the course of 16 years from the LNG-Lieferungen der EU, was an Anstieg von 40 Prozent gegenüber 2021-entspricht.

Another problem is not how the solution came about. If the gas is heated in Europe, before it exports to the world in the three countries. A recently published report from CREA ergab states that in the year 2023 a quarter of the European LNG import from Russia (22 percent) has won on the world market.

A report from the US has filed the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), which has sent Russian LNG in the EU in the first half of 2024 to the previous annual report in the 12th century.

Anfang 2024 beschloss die EU schließlich, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. In March 2025, a ban on Russian LNG in EU ports took place.

Benjamin Hilgenstock ist de Meinung, de Entscheidung der EU, de Russian Gaslieferungen are not sanktionieren, de Hauptgrund dafür ist, de Russian Gas is still not in de EU kommt. Gleichzeitig sei is aber wichtig anzuerkennen, who would get wurde.

“Man must have been very happy and that the Schluss kommen, that’s the case, was the EU’s washer dust imports into Russia, but now that the situation is smaller, it was more likely that the war would occur. It has also become likely.”

This article can be edited in English.

Author: Arthur Sullivan