
Then we’ll start again. Start now

Then we’ll start again. Start now

Then we’ll start again. Start now

Zum Wochenstart hat der Dax nach zunächst swachen Begin then but continue as usual. Zum Xetra-Handelsschluss wurde der Index met 18.422 Punkten berechnet, 0.5 Prozent höher als am Freitag.

I was aware of the moderate Tagesgewinns quickly all Werte im Plus, all voran with über three Prozent Zugewinn bis kurz for Handelsende Zalando. We then follow the car brands: Volkswagen, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, as well as the Zulieferer Continental, they explain all the pigs and zwei Prozent zu.

It was a trend in the minus of Rheinmetall’s paper with a rapid decline in turnover in trading, which made the time point now Symrise and SAP a smaller minus that could change some of the time at work.

While the natural half of the month is on Wall Street, the Aktienindices in the Montagnachmittag German Zeit have traded positively. The European Gemeinschaftswährung war in the Montagnachmittag was striking: one euro costs 1.1066 US dollars, a dollar war is paid out for 0.9037 euros.

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Frankfurter Börse, via dts Nachrichtenagentur