
Vergessene Leidenschaften – Hobbys im Erwachsenenenalter – more than nur ein Zeitvertreib – Panorama

Vergessene Leidenschaften – Hobbys im Erwachsenenenalter – more than nur ein Zeitvertreib – Panorama

Hamburg (dpa/tmn) – The children are children for a while – but they are still welcome, and a hobby can be continued regularly. Why is that so? Ulrich Reinhardt is the Freizeitforscher and Kennisschaftlicher Leiter of the BAT-Stiftung voor Zukunftsfragen. There has been an interview, who if any finds a hobby (wieder) and where to find “Trying” about “Studying”.

Frage: Why since hobbies play a major role?

Ulrich Reinhardt: Hobbies as an art horse and contrast with Everyday not only to the world of work, in general of all things that make life. A hobby is a “little piece of happiness” – that’s how I’m called it. These things are a fact, we will have to deal with fun and joy, but we will have a friendly experience. It is one of the things that this hobby does.

Of course it is not that a man does not have a hobby hat and a free time with his work and chills on his couch. It is okay. Often it is a time question. If there is another time structure as children or youth: We are united in work, the family or the neighborhood.

Another Grund is the zunehmende optimization without Lebens. Everything that is possible is optimized: our activities, our purchases, our purchases and our independence. It is a perfect place for a hobby.

Question: Who can find a suitable hobby – or another idea?

Ulrich Reinhardt: Man who has different possibilities, a hobby as an erwachsener wiederzufinden. The first thing was that my work was successful, it was my own life: Was my brother really good at it? It was also a kind of youth in the Freizeit mit Freude and Leidenschaft gemacht. If the instrument or musical instrument is at war, then it may not work anymore?

Of course it is a step further if someone finds Gleichgesinnte. Also some people may be busy with friends, maybe even online gucken: Was wird in der Nähe angeboten? Can I my einklinken? And then it is a matter of trying it out.

If it is good, it is so that the man is no longer under pressure, if he has more power and no longer inherits joy. Then one should eher what other überlegen, what one then tries out as a hobby.

Lastly, gilded: Trying goes beyond studying. Man will also have a problem with the fact that it is good, but man is not good, then man will not do it anymore.

Q: Do you have a hobby?

Ulrich Reinhardt: When I play Flipper in its entirety, it is a free time and in the Keller then one of the beautiful flippers that can be used to enjoy. And as white as it is, it is sin, it is free. There is power over a Spaß.

The overview is of the main brand of a hobby, that is free of hobbies. Also not: If your wool house for the family or your wool house is heated, it is so that it is orderly aussieht. It is not a hobby. It is possible that you remain free of sweat.

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