
Increasing Gold Prize and lower Aktienkurse in Rezessionen

Increasing Gold Prize and lower Aktienkurse in Rezessionen

There is a new financing course for the precious metals of the trading and investment funds that have ignored the financial industry. Gold as a hedge is a Aktienbeisse.

By Claus Vogt

This year the gold price has risen 21%, in 2019 it is 95% and the year has become 830%. Trotz who ignores the performance of the Edelmetall of the trading and investment funds that support the financial industry. Schließlich will sell products with higher margins and no longer position by the central bank.

The strong long-term purchase signals, my predictions for gold, silver and mining have become, as they are for gold. Ich gehe von een Fortsetzung der Edelmetallhausse aus. If you have an idea, it is a good idea to earn my money.

Start of the action base

The Aktienmarken are the situation that is precarious and very vulnerable. Here our indications and models are very warning signals. In the course of the past weeks I see no forward correction, under the beginning of a new bearish. The grim gestigene fleeting best effect of this low turnaround, is typical for the mountain course of a house in a bearish.

The extremely high fundamental protection of US bonds will undergo a violent development. It seems that the market has booked a price gain on the S&P 500. Based on the fundamental Bewertung, a greater price desire in the run of the next bearish cannot be seen as excessive gilten either.

Rezessionswarnung vom Arbeitsmarkt

It is so worth gold that you can make the decision in a different way on the US labor market. There is a clear indicator that is based on the labor market data, while in the active Monatsausgabe you can use my Börsenbriefes Krisensicher Investieren. It is a clear response signal and delay in the direction of the sale.

The combination of an active market and a recession, which central banks can invest with their zinc, is bearish. The following things continued with research and senses Hand in Hand.

Steigender Goldpreis trotz Fallender Aktienkurse

When the gold price is no longer big, when the speculations at the end of the market appear, it is in the young time of the world a lot more attractive, even if there are no lesson fragments. Now is the long relationship between both anlageklassen that are null; it is both positively and negatively grainy. In practice, the course of the fallen man-man-guns and man-man-man-man-man-twickeln-zich-gegenläufig.

In the active research of Krisensicher Investieren with time, in the case of an Aktienmark-kräftig nach untening, with the Goldpreis-hinges nach upen. Based on the long-term market signaling, which our predictive model has developed for the precious metals sector, that will be the case, also when it comes to stocks and gold, silver and selflessly with the corks of mining.

The best positioning of the Edelmetall products is that they have put the critical analysis of the themes of the theme ‘Gold, Silver and Copper’ in the market and have examined their Kauf business.