
Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Abrissarbeiten nach Hotel-Einsturz later

Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Abrissarbeiten nach Hotel-Einsturz later

Rhineland-Palatinate & Saarland
Abrissarbeiten nach Hotel-Einsturz are further

After the Hotel-Einsturz in Kröv will be the last Betondekzerteilt. The end of the labor for the rest is not in sight.

Kröv (dpa/lrs) – Around two weeks after the hotel exit in Kröv on the Mosel the abrissarbeiten continue. It was the time when the Betondeck became a transport company, which was a representative of the police in Trier. Who goes to work with a Kran for a long time by other people before he continues, can no longer say. It became an autumn or fall vacation. Make sure that you use the abrissarbeiten elongated.

In the hotel war I am 6. August spätabends ein komplettes Stockwerk in his sister ammengebrochen. Two people starben: a 64-year-old woman and another hotel worker of 59 years. Even more people were affected by stumbling in the Trümmern. During the 24-fold rettungsaktion, 250 Einsatzkräfte dabei were carried out.

A Gutachter ist von der Staatsanwaltschaft Trier with the Ermittlung der Einsturzursache beauftragt be. Recognizing the Unglücksursache is no problem.