
Flughafen: 10 Dinge, für die Ihr kein Geld ausgeben solltet, so Flugbegleiterin

Flughafen: 10 Dinge, für die Ihr kein Geld ausgeben solltet, so Flugbegleiterin

Flughäfen can be teureer, a man vergeudet Zeit.

Flughäfen can be teureer, a man vergeudet Zeit.

I’ve been flying for two years and giving tips on saving money while traveling.

Verschwendet euer Money not for Essen and Wasser am Flughafen or for the delicious Snacks in Flugzeug.

Man spar more, wenn man bei der gleichen Fluggesellschaft bleibt and Fluge in der Mitte der Woche bucht.

This is a machine that contains an article that comes from the US colleagues of Business Insider. There is an automatic processing and a real editing task.

When I am in the air force industry as a flight attendant, I thought I would get all the secret lessons, one of the cheapest tickets I would buy. If you want yourself or have to go through my lectures. Here is one of the best tips I learned, a flight money I can save:

If you take a Business Class flight, you can no longer save if you take the flight with an upgrade

It is possible that you are attracted to the fare of the Leuten, while buying an Economy-Ticket and going up on the flight. If you upgrade, you can accept the ticket price important. If your Economy-Sitzplatz is purchased, you can request an upgrade of your tickets by e-mail, but your money has never been so good.

Wartet, bis ihr am Flughafen kommt, and fragt am Schalter or der am Flugsteig after an upgrade. When the Flugzeug learns whether a treue program with the Fluggesellschaft is set, the Fluggegleiter manchmal can save a few costs on a Business Class ticket. If you want to wonder more, it is likely that you will get an online purchase. It is a good idea to look just like personal and kommt früh, nor a Business-Sitze versügbar sind. Wartet aber nicht, bis ihr im Flugzeug seid – Flugbegleiter has become more normal, so Macht fell.

No money for laundry is available in Flaschen am Flughafen

I am the Innkeeper of the John F. Kennedy International Airport.

I am the Innkeeper of the John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Travel with the Flugzeug sind teuer. If you use your ticket, taxi and parcel delivery, your money does not change for your Flughafenwasser. If you spend a short period of time with the Sicherheitscheckle, but no one says, that your Flasche-check does not last. One of the most flights is a wasserbrunnen, and it may be that there is a special pump, with this eure bottles schnell wieder auffüllen konnt. If a bottle does not learn the whistles anymore, a single liquid can flow out. If your smile is finished, this is your egg.

The gleiche Rule gilded for das Essen am Flughafen

If there is a problem, it can be that people have difficulty with the Sicherheitscontrole. If it is a good idea, money to save, it is party, with a sandwich. There are so many restaurants and a good kitchen for the Sicherheitscontrole, who work for the Zugelassene Lebensmittel. If you are on an international flight, you must see all Lebensmittel for a first time and for the Landung verzehren, that in a own state no fresh Lebensmittel during the Customs orders were.

It’s nice to have a nice meal, but if you don’t want to pack it, it’s a must

If there is a large amount of liquid with a quantity of liquid, the amount is greater than 100 milliliters, when there is only a little packaging material that is fluffy, take a look at the content, but it is a party substance through the Security scanner. Even if you are on the way to the flight, there is no problem if you choose the right stored world.

You can find your purchase online in the Duty-Free Shop

Online you often find people sitting in Duty Free Läden.

Online you often find people sitting in Duty Free Läden.

Duty-Free shops are more and more interested in the air passage on the flight, but the snaps are not as good as they seem to be. There are a few flight companies that have a Duty-Free catalog on the board, but I think they can buy a Luft product. But these prices are still worse. If the time is over, on the Internet, it may be that you encounter more problems.

A race day offers more favorable tickets than others

It is a perfect answer, a great flight for your buchen. If there are a few tips, the whole budget can be won. The best price for the ticket sale is in the timetable and the timetable, the price is nach and before the Wochenende tendensziell is. If it is flexible, you can shift your data on the calendar, so that you can make a best flight tag for such a thing.

A board is ready for use

It was not essential that before the Flugzeug-steigt, or other peculiarities Essen brought with it.

It was not essential that before the Flugzeug-steigt, or other peculiarities Essen brought with it.
Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images

In the background of the coronavirus pandemic, many manuscripts and signs have appeared, which can use the warmer words of the word at a number of flight companies. Expected, for the entry something to eat from the house or from the hotel mitzubringen. Andernfalls must buy snacks in a board, the little sin, a Mahlzeit to pay, and his utmost to do.

Parks costs fell out of money, especially on long trips

If we have to deal with a problem with the packaging at Flughafen, it is a fact that we can choose ourselves. If you do not like it, the park is no longer suitable. At Frankfurter Flughafen it costs Parken from 42 Euro per day – in Berlin am BER it costs 24 Euro per day. As one of the few things you can do, it can be summarized quickly.

If family or friends have a middle ground, the length of the journey is a normal taxi that does not charge at the Parkplatz. A trip with the Zug can be a financial problem. If you want to know more about the next flight, it costs a Strecke for a person of 15 euros. If you buy a Deutschlandticket, you can use the Zugstrecke with your confiscation. If you take your time, you can take a shuttle to the terminal at a parkplatz at the airport of the airport.

It’s fast, I’m at Flughafen Money to take

In the rule it is more favorable, euer Money at a Bank umzutauschen.

In the rule it is more favorable, euer Money at a Bank umzutauschen.
Getty Images

In many countries people fly on an international flight and imagine a party, that is not the right wahrung. If the flight is the fastest flight, there is a sum of money that is one of the best ways to go. Most banks or shopping centers have exchange tubs with stabilizing rates, if we think for our own Flug. If it is so far, make sure you get a sum of money for a taxi in the city and that you can go to another bank.

It is true that a single Fluggesellschaft is sad

It is always the case that a Fluggesellschaft or a Gruppe of Fluggesellschaften can buy a bonus card when buying it. So I don’t think it is May now, but it is a piece of cake, which means that more and more costs are lost on packages, upgrades and lounges with free Speisen and Getränken.

This article was published on March 2022 and will be updated on August 15, 2024.

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