
Aldi offers 2-Euro-Döner an – Grill-Betreiber gehen auf de Barrikaden

Aldi offers 2-Euro-Döner an – Grill-Betreiber gehen auf de Barrikaden

Aldi Süd is able to provide you with a great experience, so you can enjoy your Turkish cuisine and enjoy it. „Döner for all“ is the offer, which includes the gift of Döner with a Schnäppchenpreis of 2 Euro.

“The ‘Döner für all’ action is in response to the debate about the importance of fast food,” said Christian Göbel, strategic marketing and communications advisor at Aldi Süd: “With the appreciation of fast foods, they are especially beneficial. man can achieve a Freude unterstreichen dabei unsere Role als Preisführer.”

Aldi and the 2-Euro-Doner

With the action Aldi started operations in Düsseldorf on August 7. In the subsequent days of the war, the Döner-Truck zu Gast in Mainz and Munich. Am 16. August the Aktion Vorst ends in Nuremberg.

The truck serves Döner with Huhn or Rind for 3 Euro, so the vegetarian version for 2 Euro. Provided the price Aldi started using a while before the Corona pandemic. Damals have a döner valororts that only costs 3 Euro.

+++ Also interesting: Aldi-Kassiererin might internal Vorgaben öffentlich: “Catastrophe” +++

Due to the Corona pandemic, the costs for the costs in height and the stock can cause enormous problems. Energy prices are rising and inflation is high in the long term. Die Folge: Imbissbuden must pay the German price after buying a rental property.

Grill-Betreiber können beim Aldi-Preis nicht mithalten

A Döner costs 7 to 8 Euro each time. The dish is made for the people who enjoy delicious fast food and luxurious snacks. Die Nachfrage nach Döner has had enormous consequences.

If Aldi now has its own Döner for that Spottpreis offer, it often takes Grill-Betreiber with a Schlag in the Gesicht anfühlen. If you rejoice, this is a malicious action for Aldi. Many people could become bald in their existing bangen.