
Ex-lover von Cora Schumacher takes aus!

Ex-lover von Cora Schumacher takes aus!

The rose war between Cora Schumacher and ex-Mann Ralf has been rekindled. In the coming-out debate, there is no more talk of Verflossene in de Rücken!

Cologne – The War of the Roses between Cora Schumacher (47) and his ex-Mann Ralf (49) are now not Tage nach dessen Coming out is new entflammt. Jetzt Fallen der Blondine auch noch zwei ehemalige Lebensabschnittspartner in den Rücken!

Cora Schumacher (47) and professional boxer Denny Heidrich (36) learn in the dating show "Coras House of Love" to know.

Cora Schumacher (47) and professional boxer Denny Heidrich (36) met on the dating show “Cora’s House of Love”. © Image editing: Instagram/coraschumacher, Instargram/denny_heidrich (Screenshots)

In an interview with the “mirror” Cora proposes fragmentation, while the Formel-1-Pilot has not yielded anything at all. When Ralf experiences homosexuality, it is “a step in his life”.

De 47-Jährige gab an, von all dem Nichts gewusst zu haben, woraufhin Ralf einen alten Chat-Verlauf auf seinem Instagram-Kanal veröffentlichte, der da Gegenteil soll. Cora bezeichnete das Vorgehen is a lie as “ermlich”.

Jetzt mist nor another story in the small little criticism: Denny Heidrich. This Big Brother Candidate gets to know North Rhine-Westphalia 2020 in the dating show “Coras House of Love”. The Liaison is nur kurz.

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Unter Ralf’s Enthüllungspost commented on the news: “Schon 2020 was a great theme on the phone and would be happy in Austria”, so Denny in the comments. If the “bekannte Österreicher” is, it is less offensive.

Weiter is aber: “More braucht is nicht, auch diesen Chat-Verlauf. Dieses standdige Unwahrheitenverbreiten sollte nun endlich ein Ende haben. Damit hat sie auch other Wege verbaut.” Konkret with Heidrich can no longer be found here.

How is Cora Schumacher doing who overcame the divorce from ex-Mann Ralf?

With fashion broadcasts and reality TV star Eric Sindermann (36), the last broadcast in the year 2021 had a technical fair.

With fashion broadcasts and reality TV star Eric Sindermann (36), they gave a technical course in the last episode in 2021. © Image editing: Instagram/coraschumacher, Instagram/dr.sindsen (Screenshots)

Schließlich reports ich noch ein zweiter Ex-lover of the current racing enthusiasts: Eric Sindermann (36)! The Modeschöpfer and Reality-TV-Star (“Das große Promi-Büßen”) have a Techtelmechtel with Cora in 2021.

“That’s Ralf’s wisdom, he was in the Promi-Szene ein offenes Geheimnis. Besides, I had Cora in his mind, but that was the end of it. But Cora was still the same theme, and man played, that he didn’t dare to say that,” said Verrät Sindermann gegenüber t-online.

Since the official relationship between Ralf’s homosexual relationships no longer exists, it is not the case that this happens. “But I think so”, so the ex-handball player. About Ralf he has spoken “ausschließlich positiv”.

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Der Berliner vermutet, dass Cora die Schheidung von dem sechsfachen Formel-1-Grand-Prix-Sieger nie überwunden hat: “I’m happy, sie ist sehr verletzt and hat sich inssecret immer immer gewünscht, with Ralf bis an end to his sisters zu sein. “

Title photo: Bildmontage: Instargram/denny_heidrich, Instagram/coraschumacher (Screenshots)