
Who is happy with our life

Who is happy with our life

Schleim is a ground legend Schutzbarriere for boisterous Körper.
Mariela de Diego

Mariela de Diego Meteorized Argentinians 5 minutes

You can use a machine in Eindruck. There is a monster in horror films and series to make their own Schleim zu strotzen. That Wahrheit is jedoch, that’s it Schleim unerlässlich ist, een de Körper gegen die Millionen von Viren und Bakterien veridigen that surround us and remain in our lives.

Schleim is a small, soft Substanz, which is 95 Prozent aus Wasser besthh. It contains a lot of protein (Lysozyme), Mineral salt, Lipid and Zell. It is the Schutz und Schmierung der inner Oberflächen und Hohlräume des Körpers verantwortlich, z. B. der Atemwege, des Verdauungstrakts und des Urogenitalsystems. A small amount would end up in augen production.

“Those people think that the Lunge was not, that it was eliminated and found sollte, or that it is a Schlechtest. Aber sie ist de Verbindung zwitsen uns und der Außenwelt”, explains Dr. Richard Boucher, Lung specialist at the University of North Carolina.

At that time our customer produces, there are brands, a huge hodgepodge and a schleim. It is estimated, that was more than 1 Liter per Tag production.

It is a complex process that specializes in Zellenthe so-called Becherzellen, are sharedwhich was produced by the Epithelial, the Web, which covers the upper surface of an organ of the Body. The Becherzellen-production and sezernieren-music, which come into contact with the water-artificial substance-images.

Health, Schleim, Nose
Viel Schleim can cause a symptom of infection of the respiratory tract.

Jeden Moment, ohne es zu brands, When you bake a cake you die from the Schleimoberfläche without developing lung function. While you enjoy winzig harchen, Zilien, die Schleim nach oben und aus der Lunge, together with all the eingeschlossenen Bakterien, Viren und Staub.

“There is a road along the road to the hinterland of the Rachens. And if a man is a more normal person, man spürt ihn nicht and schluckt ihn einfach herunter,” Boucher explains. The Schleim, together with the bacteria and others, have an excellent basis, in the stomach and most especially the body.

If Schleim is characterized in the Rule, Schleim may well be a Konsistenz-verändert. Dies can indicate an infection back to his place by becoming thicker, stickier and greener.

“If the Schleim is clear, it may be a way to use the Nase, stop the Nase and do the post-nasal treatment,” says Dr. Bruce Boucher, an allergy specialist at Northwestern University.

Postnasaler Tropf tritt auf, wenn sich überschüssiger Schleim aus dem hinteren Teil der Nase together and in the hinterland part of the race is running. It is a fact a lot of effort for dogs.

Een Geschichte des Zufalls: Fleming en der Schleim

We thank him Alexander Flemingit is the properties and the properties of the Schleims. And the warfare of Zufall.

Der Geschichte zufolge zufolge der kerktische Arzt 1921 in St. Mary’s Hospital in London. “I had one Erkältung,” says Kevin Brown, Curator des Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum in London.

It was nice to be able to enjoy the natural environment in a Petrischale mit Bakterien. A few weeks ago there was a party, which was during the baking time of the bakery, erklärt Brown gegenüber Scientific American.

Wash the bacteria in solution, where one of the substanzen in ihrem Schleim: Lysozymean enzyme, the bacteria cells are ready. Flemish see more and bare Lysozyme in Speichel, Blutserum and Tränen.

The discovery of lysozyme would be predominant, while Fleming would use penicillin for a yearwhere the Nobel Prize was awarded. Now that there is a chance, it all started with Lysozyme. That is the most natural antibiotic against the herbs,” said Brown.

In his speech on the anniversary of the Nobel Prize, Fleming held up lysozyme as “his usefulness”, the technology that found an opaque way to start a war with penicillin. War with Lysozyme, other scientists have brought their interest in penicillin and clinical studies for the substance in the body.

If those people click on this substance at a later time, we will think that “Rotz” might not be so bad after all.