
With this simple trick you can put the lens in the coke bottle

With this simple trick you can put the lens in the coke bottle

Is a glass of the coke and the coal lens more raw? The phenomenon occurs when the flame is enveloped longer. With a trick it can be a nuisance.

Apple cider, cola or lemonades are easy to eat without charcoal. If the time is now up, it can be passive, the coal lens from the bottle is woven. If this is not the case, the man must quickly make a whole bottle of exes. It is a matter of letting go, if the lens remains in the flame longer.

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Once you knew, it was the lens that was on your hat. This can be found in the small CO₂ gas outlet in the air. When the flask burner is on, the pressure of the flask and the gas bubbles can be removed – then they are discharged into the air. The getränk loses the Sprudel and nimmt the Genuss.

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A journalist from the newspaper Swiss Blick has betrayed a genius Hack. And this function is like this: It is all a handle near the bottle. Normally the lid is screwed onto the ratchet plate on the bottle. If the bottle is pressed together and then the lid is the first pull, now the air can be Swiss drink and lid. So it was fresh longer and the coal lens was longer lasting. The pressure in the inside of the bottle is more powerful, the gas blowing is mixed.

If the Trick function has now played a certain time. After the bottle man was so high, Sprudel is more than ever lost – with the hack life has become longer. When the bottle is empty, it naturally becomes so soft that it can be lost.

Even more tricks, a coal in the drink you have to drink

It is not that the amount of water in the bottle lasts longer. It is worth waiting until you are stored. If the temperature is higher, the lens temperature falls out of the airflow. If you are a few men sure, if the Deckel shifts the party, it is a good idea, but a few smaller bottles are used.