
JEFFERIES props up DocMorris on ‘Buy’

JEFFERIES props up DocMorris on ‘Buy’

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) – Jefferies’ analysis house has placed the purchase of DocMorris on “Buy” at a price of 110.00 francs. The higher marketing costs are again charged by Halbjah with the rental, analyst Martin Comtesse in one of his service researches. If the expectation of the expected profit increases, it is more likely that the largest negative overshoot occurs./lfi/mis

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 20.08.2024 / 02:08 / ET
First Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 20.08.2024 / 02:08 / ET

Note: Information about Offenlegungspflicht bei Interessenkonflikten im Sinne von § 85 Abs. 1 WpHG, art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the generated analyst house can be found at

ISIN code: CH0042615283