
7 Anzeichen, die Sie ken sollten

7 Anzeichen, die Sie ken sollten

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7 Anzeichen, die Sie ken sollten
Blasse Haut und Druckstellen am Fuß können auf a diabetic Fuß hindeuten. © [email protected]/IMAGO

A diabetes disease is a severe form of diabetes mellitus. Typical symptoms can vary.

Laugh them Marine Hospital Witten lead in Germany and a million people for the diabetes patients. If all goes well, four diabetes patients are affected by the disease. If you are faced with one of the serious consequences of diabetes, it will take longer for the operation for diabetes to be performed by Feßproblems that will occur during the treatment. The result was a total of 28,000 amputations in the area of ​​the feßes and unterschenkels. A diabetes patient can cause a specific symptom.

Diabetes can cause diabetes Fuß führen: Sieben Warnzeichen

That AOK Health Magazine If you inform a diabetes mellitus, it is important that you get a diabetes check. The Ursache lies in the long term of high blood sugar values, which arise during a collapsed sugar substance exchange. High sugar values ​​in blood can finally be to damage and the blood vessels and nerves of the feet. If you notice this disease as diabetes syndrome, the symptoms of persons and persons can vary. Typical steps but follows Anzeichen auf:

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  • red flecks
  • Hamatoma
  • blue colored areas
  • schwarze Bereiche (bei bereits absgestorbenem Gewebe)
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  • reduced depth of field

It may be that healing of diseases is characteristic of diabetes patients

One of the characteristic features of a diabetic condition is the increased treatment of violations, the healing of salutary wounds. These can be under the circumstances and fall in the fall and become lighter. In other cases, the amputation of the extremities can be taken as an option. There are many people who do not know: diabetes can cause a special hand disease. If you notice diabetes type 2, its severity is determined by a Erkrankung-vorzubeugen.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not be used for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. There are no consequences for seeking medical advice. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern could no longer be performed due to unreasonable editing.