
Geburtstag im Wiesbadener Knast – Kumpels zünden Feuerwerk

Geburtstag im Wiesbadener Knast – Kumpels zünden Feuerwerk

A Häftling des Wiesbadener Gefängnisses ha ganz besonderen Geburtstagsgruß erhalten. If you are a friend in your seinem 21. There is no personal free meal, you can enjoy the gefängnis boller you use at night on the street. Anwohner riefen daraufhin de Polizei.

If you are in trouble, it can happen that your friends do not feel anymore. They are wool people and legen who are focused on Zeug – leader at the expense of the Anwohnerinnen and Anwohner.

“It quickly becomes a neat description, if the Lärmbelästigung gewesen no longer exists.”

Explosions and firecrackers

During your last night you will experience the joy of Himmel in the Gefängnis in Wiesbaden-Dotzheim. Rund 20 junior Menschen stehen voor de hohen Mauern en rufen laut “Free – Free”. There’s a bang, explosions are heard, rauch rises.

Stubbornly a neat idea, said the Wiesbadener Polizei. With a self-chosen maintenance job you can have your friends working in the open air. It is possible that you will notice a single woman and a woman.

Gratulants must be ordered with due care

These questions come from the Polizei. Die comb with more Streifenwagen and nahm a few of the Geburtstagsgratulanten fest. The young years are now with a number of roads Hausfriedensbruchs rechnen.

The Bastion of Böllern and Feuerwerk is an ordnungswidrigkeit, es verstößt gesetz against the Sprengstoffgesetz. If it did not work, it was not the intention that the Kumpel would react to the excessive reaction.