
There will be a solid first Halbjahr 2024 in a herausfordernden Marktumfeld – Vorstand bestätigt angepasste Forecast 2024 (

There will be a solid first Halbjahr 2024 in a herausfordernden Marktumfeld – Vorstand bestätigt angepasste Forecast 2024 (

August 20, 2024

(PM) The Umsatz- und Ergebnis der SMA Solar Technology AG im ersten Halbjahr 2024 has found its erwartungsgemäss under the Werten des Vorjahres. Der Konzernumsatz amounted to 759.3 million. The euro lagged behind the level of the last century (H1 2023: 778.9 million euros). The Konzernergebnis betrug 44.1 Mio. Euro (H1 2023: 103.5 million euros). The Ergebnis je Aktie was approximately 1.27 euros (H1 2023: 2.98 euros).

The solutions in the home solutions and commercial and industrial solutions segments account for a large portion of the existing lower spending among distributors and installers, who generally exert their influence on the market.

Before this backdrop, the Home Solutions segment was behind at EUR 109.9 million (H1 2023: EUR 327.3 million) and the Commercial & Industrial Solutions segment at EUR 113.6 million to EUR 194.2 million in the first half of 2023. The Large-scale and Project Solutions segment has developed a significantly larger plan and delivered EUR 535.8 million to EUR 257.4 million in the first half of 2023.

EBITDA shortfall at EUR 80.6 million
The operational Ergebnis for Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (EBITDA) lagged behind at 80.6 million. Euro (einschliesslich 19.1 million. Euro from the sale of Anteile an der elexon GmbH in Q1 2024) to 125.3 million. Euro im ersten Halbjahr 2023. Dies entspricht an EBITDA margin of 10.6 Prozent (H1 2023: 16.1%). Gründe für die Veränderung im Vergleich zum Vorjahr was in erster Line the recessed volumes, the changed Product mix anyway a significant Cost basis in Konzern. The operational experience for Zinsen und Steuern (EBIT) amounted to 56.2 million. Euro gegenüber 106.1 million. Euro im Vorjahreszeitraum. The result was an EBIT margin of 7.4 percent (H1 2023: 13.6%).

Segment Big Dish & Project Solutions considerably better
EBIT in the Home Solutions and Commercial & Industrial Solutions segments remains at the highest levels, lower tax and better fix cost coverage of jewelry below previous values. Home: –21.6 million. Euro (H1 2023: 93.4 million Euro); Commercial & Industrial Solutions: –45.2 million. Euro (H1 2023: 6.7 million Euro). The large-scale and project solutions segment can deliver a profitable product mix with high returns on the highest quality levels and high fixed cost regression that delivers a profitable product mix that works significantly and delivers an EBIT of 100.5 million. Euro (H1 2023: 8.8 million Euro).

Überkapazitäten by the Chinese Repairman
“The global PV market has become an infinite business in these years. In the segments Home and Commercial and Industrial, the entry of the high-level stocks is best with distributors and installers. If a sunken flow occurs, many states die of investments and an extensive sale of shares by Chinese repairers, who are so heavily taxed on the market. Due to the sunken premiums for PV supplies, more premiums can possibly be reduced. A segment of large-scale and project solutions, which delivers a higher operational performance, is not affected by this. In this changed environment, it is said that our diversification model with three segments for SMA is a greater advantage and can be more flexible if Mitbewerber can act”, says Jürgen Reinert, Vorstandsvorsitzender SMA. “A suggestion is to purchase a high storage capacity plan in the context of production in the large-scale segment.”

Vovals Marktumfeld
“The first half of 2024 is a solid triumph of the volatile market climates. In the Large Scale & Project Solutions segment, we can operate in a quarter of the world as one of the largest and most German. A review of the market research in the Home segment and C&I has helped us in the future to offer products to other product groups and changed federal states. Gleichzeitig has a great value to massive costs, a cost structure and the working capital and the reduced level at the level of the cash flow that stabilizes, very by Barbara Gregor, Finanzvorständin SMA.

Own capital quote of 42.6 Prozent
The SMA Gruppe’s free cash flow fell to -202.6 million. Euro nach 80.6 million. Euro im Vorjahr inform about the higher net air-conditioning powers. Net liquidity was 65.7 million on June 30, 2024. Euro below the level zum Jahresende (31 December 2023: 283.3 million euros). With an equity ratio of 42.6% (December 31, 2023: 42.3%), SMA still has a good equity base.

As of June 30, 2024, the storage file was 1348.6 million. Euro (June 30, 2023: EUR 2,453.7 million). With 988.0 million. Euro entfallen dabei three Viertel auf das Produktgeschäft (June 30, 2023: 2075.7 million euros).

June forecast expected
The SMA Vorstand will die on June 18, 2024 with an adjusted Umsatz- und Ergebnisprognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2024. Diese sieht einen Umsatz in Höhe von 1550 Mio. Euro up to 1700 million. Euro (2023: 1904.1 million euros) and an EBITDA of 80 million. Euro up to 130 million. Euro (2023: 311 million euros)

Quartalsmitteilung January to June 2024 >>

Text: SMA

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