
Kulturgut: Erinnerung an Feuer in Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek

Kulturgut: Erinnerung an Feuer in Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek

Two years after the fire of the famous Herzogin Anna Amalia Library in Weimar soll also with other arts and conversations that were remembered. One program is the project «Ars Ignis. Die Poesie der Zerstörung» der Künstlerin Anna Talens in Rokokosaal and in the Study Center of the Library. The Spaniard plays with fragments, loses books and digs ashes. If you see other people in the rest of Büchern, the brand can no longer be restored. . When the Weimar Art Festival takes place, the Arbeit ab Donnerstag (August 22) takes place. Appropriately planted since szenische Lessonungen, which the Klassik Stiftung Weimar miteilte.

On 4. September experts refer to the burns and the recovery of the damaged books. Discussions and presentations have been planned since 6. September. Since it is a project that started with the time of the research, it is also possible to do research on the library in the merging of the books. While video interviews are being conducted, the digital merging of the library is being carried out. Michael Knoche, the director of the Brands-zeitpunkts, has been established.

50,000 Bücher in den Flammen burnt

A Cable Fire occurred in the library on September 2, 2004, a historic event. 50,000 Bücher und 35 Gemälde aus dem 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert fielen den Flammen komplett zum Opfer. 28,000 tires will be returned unused. 118,000 Bücher konnts were recovered, with irreparable damage by Löschwasser and Feuer. A number of these “Aschebücher” were developed into special designs for restaurants. 1.5 Millionen Blatt sollen es at the end signal.

Bedeutendes citizenliches Engagement

De catastrophe mache de verletzlichkeit of German culture, say aber aber your tiefe verwurzelung in der Gesellschaft auf, so the Stiftung weiter. Neither today nor in Burning Night did the Citizens recover, the damaged Bücher zu Bergen. Später sammelten si Geld zum Wiederaufbau des Gebäudes en der Sammlungen.

“After 20 years in Germany: The fire in the Weimar library in 2004 is a historical landmark that presents a new image of the library and cultural history,” said Library Director Laube. Thanks to new stories, lost glazed bookcases could be restored and reintroduced as so-called Ash books in the collections of the Duchess Anna Amalia Library.

The classical Foundation also requires two MDR productions, which are internally produced: The TV Documentation «The Library is available – 20 Years of the Tragödie von Weimar» en der Podcast «Bücher in Asche. Der Brand in de Anna Amalia Bibliothek».

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