
Füttern und Ausmisten – Alpakas suchen Minijobber – Ruhr area – Nachrichten

Füttern und Ausmisten – Alpakas suchen Minijobber – Ruhr area – Nachrichten

If you have never bought a car before, it is clear that you are here at the Hof in Castrop-Rauxel Langeweile: Fridolin, the gray Esel, the newcomer to the big world and the launch of a brand awareness.

While the larger Maschen des Zauns are a bit curled, before they have the Hofes’ own stars: the Alpakas. For the world here nach Mini jobbern spoken. That sounds like a kissing Job – or? And that is what it is all about. In a story, look at Fridolin’s Meadow, close together – and take the time to do this. Those eyes brown and big, her hair soft with Undercut and so pointed Ohren.

Welcome to the living room of “Live us Alpacas

The Verschlag is such that the living room of the alpacas is – and stinks. And black not to snap. Janine and Nora back with Schaufel and an investigation. It is possible that the Colleagues work on the alpaca farm. When the fog goes through the flauschigen, you can see the “Alpis” after draußen. Nora laughs: “It is exactly what is on the Bauernhof. You can eat Alpakas after Popcorn.

When the fog comes into the Schubkarre, it has become new – and it is no longer so strong. The question remains: Darf man nach getaner Is it a bisschen with the alpacas kissing?

Alpacas are not Kuscheltiere

It is not that the Alpakas treat the Kuscheln like that. If you fly and dive into the hut, you can find one of the Pflegerinnen. If the war continues, she will not die anymore – but the war will be a fact. “It must be learned first“, says Nora.

Focus on the only Ausnahme of the Castroper Tierfarm: Heinrich, a white Alpaka with strubbeligem Mittelscheitel. “Heinrich was born here, the father of Kuscheln.“Sagt’s. Streichelt den Wallach – und de dreht sich langam weg en such lieber noch etwas von dem fresh Heu.

Auch Schweine & Co. must be taken care of

Nebenan beschwert sich Esel Fridolin wieder und scharrt mit de Hufen am Tor, während auf de alles Seite des Verschlages die Schweine grunzen en schmatzen. This is the potential you get Mini jobber sisterly. A few people spent their lives in the Schweinestall – and the person who would make the futterung so that it was comfortable. Aber Nora protects the head. “If it is so, then the man is in the eye-sight, then you see the man who is love and good for sin.

If the greater part of the time is greater, the work can continue. Janine hat gerade “abgeäppelt”, also Mist eingesammelt. Nora brings frisches Heu. It is so hard to die both, the look and the acorn on the way to Trog.

This is a correct work“, says chef Marén Giese, “the guy can fix some repairs or foam rubber parts. It’s a good idea.“And if it is so, you will find the three. Wer sich das auch vorstellen kan, ist bei”Alive Alpaka” in Castrop-Rauxel. The farm was such a hero, the smart packing could be done and in itself it was worth it.

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