
Sorrechtsstreit in Unternehmer-Familie nimmt bedrohliche Wende

Sorrechtsstreit in Unternehmer-Familie nimmt bedrohliche Wende

The European Haftbefehl gets the Hamburger Unternehmerin Christina Block (50) who warms up inzwischen.

The European Haftbefehl gets the Hamburger Unternehmerin Christina Block (50) who warms up inzwischen. © Georg Wendt/dpa

After reports on the Wednesday newspaper, I see the events in the fall since October 2023 with a child pornographic content. So the Steakhouse-Erbin Christina Block (51) herself chose ex-husband Stephan Hensel (59) on the way to child pornographic materials.

Demnach soll Hensel angeblich eine immobilie op Sylt für den Missbrauch von Kindern in child Pornographic Foren angeboten haben. An IT company, the digital Sicherheitslücken in the Unternehmen der Block-Familie, has financed his reliable image and text material.

Because Hensels received a sum of money a while ago, the anonymous Anonymous state – the State Attorney has found a flawless verdict, this is it. Against Christina Block was now a wrong suspicion and deception erroneous. The 51-year-old is also committed, once a declarative criminal record has been set. I have fallen from law attorneys, there is a man who is unanswered.

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After part of the Hamburger Anwaltskanzlei Unger, Christina Block in the Sorrechtsstreit vertritt, the Steakhouse-Erbin is now one of the Federal Constitutional Courts in Karlsruhe gewandt.

“The Verfassungsbeschwerde wurde von einem auf Verfassungsrecht spezialisierten Rechtsanwalt aus Berlin eingereicht. Gegenstand (…) ist unterem die Verletzungrechtlichen Gehörs von Frau Block und der Kinder”, here is es.

The Hotel Grand Elysée in Hamburg is also being investigated by the police.

The Hotel Grand Elysée in Hamburg is also being investigated by the police. © Bodo brands/dpa

Bereit during the years that each block and hensel work together to help you enjoy four shared children.

After the years have begun, the message is already 13 years old and they are already years older than children in South-South Germany.

Then we would be happy that Klara and Theodor would be brought back to Hamburg. In due course, we were able to receive a European Haft Order from Christina Block.

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I’m more of the Grand Hotel Elysée of the Hamburger Polizei where it goes on. Das Hotel has the Gründer der Kette Block House and the Vater von Christina Block, Eugen Block (83).

“The best of the suspects, Eugen Block and Christina Block die, the children’s organization and mithilfe weiterer accusations during the sentencing”, the Hamburger Staatsanwaltschaft is added to the Nachfrage von TAG24.

First report: 8.45 am. Current: 9:03 PM