
Christian Wolf is very enthusiastic about the Selber Wölfe trainer team

Christian Wolf is very enthusiastic about the Selber Wölfe trainer team

A wolf for the wolves

Christian Wolf works at the Firma HOHPE (Home of Health and Performance) of the Trainerteam of Selber Wölfe. There is a federation of athletics training with a complete Ansatz aufbauen and detwineln. First big war during the term of a cumbersome Performance diagnostics.

Maximum oxygen faufnahme – the PS-Zahl of human bodies

Christian Wolf (center) works for the Trainer Team. Photo: Corinna Fippl

Christian Wolf (center) works for the Trainer Team. Photo: Corinna Fippl

If Christian Wolf is an individual with a few Wolfsrudels, this can be a big problem diagnosis on the program. Among other things, Körperfettanteil, muskelmasse and maximum Sauerstoffaufnahme, the PS-Zahl des Körpers, were ermittelt. The building up of this data is no longer done by individual training schedules and regular sports training.

Nächster Schritt in Sachen Professionalization

Sven Gerike, Managing Director of Selber Wolf, belies the wisdom, a specialist of Christian Wolf in the coaching team of his team: “The cooperation with Christian Wolf is a bigger and bigger story for our organization. The diagnosis diagnosis is now a part. The sports and sports in the sports and the athletic game is another story. In the bigger vision of Zukunfts it is of course the work with young playground equipment of the VER self-planted, a frühzeitig the Weichen for a hereditary development to set. With Christian has the right Wolf in Rudel!“

The basis for soulful training support has been abolished

“It is a separate status that you have, to first say that you want and for everything that -body- must. These years have taken place a first time with the Center for Performance Diagnostics and Sports Medicine (ZLS) of OTH Amberg Weiden some tests, a first Grundwerte zu erhalten. If you train the engine of the game, while you train, you have to show the Coaching Colleagues in Eis anweisen”, Christian Wolf notes.