
Ostalbkreis: Virtuelles Bauamt startet | Commune21

Ostalbkreis: Virtuelles Bauamt startet | Commune21

(21.8.2024) A new digital service from the Landratsamt Ostalbkreis: Dort started the Virtuelle Bauamt, one of the OZG applications in the Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern entwickelte online-Leistung. Das Ende-zu-Ende digitizes Verfahren entlastet Antragstellende und Verwaltung.

Ostalbkreis: Virtuelles Bauamt startet | Commune21
Since August, the Landratsamt Ostalbkreis – the third district in Baden-Württemberg – has offered the virtual Bauamt Baden-Württemberg a new digital online service, whereby ViBa BW Damit Bauwillige in its Bauanträge-bequem and securely online. “The start of ViBa BW is a bigger and heavier step towards digitalization and modernization of our administration,” said Landrat Joachim Bläse. “Without our citizens and citizens improving their services, the Bauantrags will be shaped more transparently and efficiently.” With ViBa BW, the Bauantrags is reheblich vereinfacht and digitalized. Citizens and citizens benefit from a user-friendly online portal, which is a good example of digital construction, the bearbeitungsstatus of the sale and erorderliche documents. That first time the Antragstellenden were no longer available could produce one of the best results during the Verwaltung at.

From 2025 digital form mandatory

ViBA BW is an end-to-end solution: from the preparation to the installation of the products, the processing of the previous phase to the separation of the digital display. Herzstück ist der digital Vorgangsraum. Here Bauherr, Baubehörde and all others can be affected as they start working simultaneously. Ensure that the Antragsbearbeitung are faster and more comfortable. The Ministerium for Landesentwicklung and Wohnen Baden-Württemberg has the digital Bauantrag from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern nach.
Now that the end of the years has been reached, the Bauanträge in paper form will be inserted into the land district administration – from January 2025 the digital Antrag ViBA BW will be mandatory. ViBA BW is now one of 135 digital Anträgen from the diverse Geschäftsbereichen, the Bürgerinnen and Bürgern Mittlerweile of Landratsamt Ostalbkreis zur Verfügung were established. (brother/sister)

Location: Fachverfahren, Bauwesen, Ostalbkreis

Bildquelle: Sven Mieke/Unsplash