
‘Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken’ at 3satureihe

‘Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken’ at 3satureihe

Heute, am 21.08.2024, läuft “Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken” on TV. If you would like to view the documents, you can read them here. Außerdem: All information about livestream and the wiederholung see an overview of the next TV-Termine von “Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken”.
If you send the fall, you may have the right to 3sat einschalten: Solve what is here 07:00 O’clock. We prefer an internet connection: 3 sat online and a live stream.

“Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken” heute im Livestream and TV: Darum is in the Show

Wer thinks, that Kühe nur auf der Weide liegt en wiederkäuen können, täuscht sich! The study philosopher Anne Wiltafsky lehrt Kühe and Ochsen Dinge, the man who works like this. When Anne Wiltafsky goes through the village with her different ways of writing, Passanten is not in a bad mood. Man is gewohnt, Kühe auf een Weide or in Stall zu sehen. If Reittiere continues in the Quartierstraßen, the Tiere will lose its exotic status. You go to the Schule with Anne Wiltafsky. In Kilchberg in the Swiss Canton of Zurich, he established a unilateral Ausbildungszentrum for Kühe and Ochsen in 2008. The layers were made suitable for all possible applications: seeing ditches and carts, climbing steps, jumping over obstacles, taking over the role of rider, kissing people. Originally, how Anne Wiltafsky reached the center, one of the ways in which the Schlachter zu retten – today I take it for granted, that is, during the work that the “dummen Kuh” has judged and has looked at the world behind it.

Wiederholung von “Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken” online in der 3sat-Mediathek 3sat und im TV

You can not see “Where to cook the bank press” at 07:00? If you still want to take a look in the 3sat-Mediathek. These can be broadcast online on TV as video-on-demand, such as streaming – one of the most popular ornaments in the garden. A re-run on the TV cable is only 3 days ago no longer available. As a rule, you will find the transmission to the TV broadcast online in the Mediathek for. However, the leader does not gild it for all transmissions.

“Wo Kühe die Schulbank drücken” on TV: All information in a glance

Date: 21.08.2024

Bee: 3sat

Theme: “Documentary”

Year of production: 2019

Length: 30 minutes (from 07:00 to 07:30)

In HD: Yes