
The Gaza War was about anti-Semitism and the Vienna Schools

The Gaza War was about anti-Semitism and the Vienna Schools

Seit the Hamas massacrer has the Jewish enmity in Austria important consequences. It said that it was a Vienna school. Often the youth are under an Islamic influencer.

Consider the possibilities of Hamas Überfalls in Vienna in October. If they follow the Gaza War, the anti-Semitism is grim.

Consider the possibilities of Hamas Überfalls in Vienna in October. If they follow the Gaza War, the anti-Semitism is grim.

Christiaan Bruna / EPA

Since the Terror Act of Hamas is on October 7, Adam regularly discusses discussions with his voice. If you quit smoking, 16-year-old Kippa has ended up in the Alltag slowdown. When the foursome is in 2nd place. Bezirk Wiens is on the way, speak in auch immer wieder Mitglieder der judischen Gemeinde and rieten ihm, the Kopfbedeckung sichheitshalber unter a Kappe zu verstecken, erzählt der Jugendliche. Or wedeten themselves lead a seine Eltern.

In the other loaded houses after Adam’s massaker, other heisst, tatsächlich a Weile Caps or Mützen. The fact is that the Kippa is recognizable as Jude. That’s not a risky stop. If you want to make a hinge, the überlegt aber schon. “Abends würde ich nicht allein nach favoriten gehen”, Adam meint in Anspielung auf de migrantisch Geprägten Stadtteil, der in de Vergangenen Monaten mit Jugend- und Banddenkriminalität Schlagzeilen.

«An explosion more anti-Semitic Vorfalle»

Der Teenager, who considers themselves religious, is Judenhass gewohnt. If you were a child, you would experience it, because your religion and other people would be happy with it, and you would play with it. The problems have increased with the Gaza Krieg. Meistens became in his hintergerufen, erzählt Adam. Tätlich engriffen wurde is not glücklicherweise nor not.

The president of the Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Vienna (IKG), Oskar Deutsch, spoke of a “not a single explosion of anti-Semitic fallacies” in Austria. The IKG anti-Semitic report was published in 2008, and with a quick 1200 hours, a record-high number of fallacies lasted a year.

Everything will be a time for the 7th of October and a time that Deutsch will be clear at the presentation of the first messages. Then and September it started to become a long time ago, before the Hamas raid, eight was reported that there was a high demand – at a mutmasslich hohen Dunkelziffer. Dazu zählen verschmierte Wände, Drohungen, anti-Semitische Parolen and Palästina-Kundgebungen and heruntergerissene Israel-Flaggen. In Wien im letzten Herbst de Scheibe a koscheren Metzgerei eingeschlagen en een Brandanschlag op de jüdischen Teil des Zentralfriedhofs verübt.

Before the background of the Austrian question is in the political jewels. The conservative Green Direction believes that the Israeli side, after the Hamas Massacre lies, the Israeli power on the Chancellor’s Office hisses. If the fight against anti-Semitism takes place from a priority power. As the first EU country Austria decides on a national strategy by 2021.

In addition, it is a free-standing approach and neither for the 7th of October through the study of the EU Constitutional Agency, which is fast enough for the Jews and Jews in Austria to be able to see their health, in the openness of their symbols. 76 Prozent geben an, de Judenfeindlichkeit habe in letzten fünf Years zgenommen.

‘Hipster Islamists’ Added to Youth on Tiktok

It can not be that it is one of the debts – especially in Vienna, two Muslim women and Muslims with 35 percent of the mittlerweile of the largest religious group images. Schon vor de Hamas-offense said a suppression of the Austrian parliaments, the anti-Semitism in the Turkish and Arabic language of the Jugendlichen under the grim verbreitet ist. If you love the family, the home business comes on average or in the social networks often a little bit up to date with the nahost conflict.

At that time the Palestinians are worth much more and the Israeli Täter. The teacher in one of the four four classes in the Wiener Innenstadt has started hanging the Landkarte Israel übermalt. Other reports of schmiereien on the debts or in the gang Hitlergruss. Adam came to the Handelsakademie, who was often asked about ‘Free Palestine’. Once sogar a hook cross on the wall table of the class room.

Everyday are zudem for everyone about Tiktok gets videos, the Israel-Hass and terror propaganda are expanded. The anti-Semitism message of the IKG is a platform for an incendiary with “destruction and fearful action”. Modern modern “Hipster Salafists” have with their zeitgemässen a great attractive appearance for young people, also states the Austrian Documentation Office Politician Islam fest. Before all young people in the German language exert their Islamic influence on a central soul group.

If you are concerned about the position of the people and the class that is in the struggle, the themes of the Lehrerinnen and the Lehrer in the Gaza War will not go beyond the kinderbeschäftigt. There are a few examples of the way in which the employer Thomas Krebs has put together the magazine «Profil». Dennoch was fatal, he refuses. Conflicts are worked on, part of the profession, explained.

Why? The photo expert Daniel Landau started 25 years ago and trained in the lessons of the Monaten and Lehrer in the Umgang with 7. October in the classroom. The war is a further reassessment for debts without any burden, he thinks. It is one of the ways in which people and people with a sense of guilt can deal with, after they have found the best way to lead childish ways through the pandemic, and it could be that the first rudiments of wiener in the house near the German language speak.

A sister problem with avoidance, shoots somewhat high the theme, says Landau. Debts have arisen that can increase the guilt of the situation. For a functional operation it is important that its operation is negligible.

Der Bildungsexpert Daniel Landau.

Der Bildungsexpert Daniel Landau.


If you do this, you can look at the display or the relationship of the device. Then it is so that the Geschichte and the Österreichs position are left out of consideration. It is worth working with empathy and professional knowledge, it is one of the childish Krieg and Vertreibung that matters. “Entsetzen über de Lage in Gazastreifen, the man was forced to defeat the Hamas-Massaker”, said in the 60s, when the Nazis fled to Israel in 1939 and the time in which they lived.

While Landau has a big problem in Tiktok, the platform is massive Islamic propaganda and the debts are spread. A solution has been found for the theme, with the algorithms of the social network functions. A final point is also in order, that their educational resources on this theme help hollows, finds the pedagogues. It is a matter of a long breath. The ministerial Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not taken over the blame for the Holocaust, but it is one of the things that Landau’s Father would say. The City of Vienna offers an overview of their educational and extensive workshops and, in the context of the Judenfeindlichkeit theme,.

Anti-Semitic Vorurteile since oft Folge von Unwissen

Adam committed himself as self-conscious in the fight against anti-Semitism. There is a spark of 180 youthful youth years, who since 2015 in the programs of the Jugendabteilung of the IKG another guilt and a little in the Judentum geben. The dialogue project could lead to a zwanzig year by the Swiss Israeli Gemeindebund and die Frühling Gemeinsam with the best sterreichische hanger of the parliament in Vienna with the Simon Wiesenthal Prize payment. Some likes and likes were displayed for a year, one of those things is often an undisputed source of concern.

In the merger, the young people were directly confronted with stereotypes in their religious community. In the 17th century, Rafael was confronted with debts after he was fragged, while Juden no longer wanted the Steuern. You can often exercise control over the financing. Rafael did not yet comply with this request, but he would be sure that he would continue to exist for years, as a sentence verdict for Christians.

“Often it is unclear and not worth using the basis for such statements,” says Adam. This also supports the investigation of the Austrian parliament: Anti-Semitic tendencies are widespread among people who know little about Judea and Israel. The Likratinos and Likratinas have disappeared in Essen and Feiertage, while the rules of the Sabbath have been withdrawn and well challenged and Frömmigkeit has begun.

Häufig würden banale Fragen gestellt, erzählt Adam. «Wozu die Kippa sei, zum Beispiel.» Manchmal since sie aber auch abstrus. Rafael was lonely in a class, by Juden tatsächlich Hörner hätten. There is a Likratino that makes a cup of coffee, like the antworten. They all laughed.

A political party will choose the confession of guilt every day. Most people see children and young people as shy, says Adam. There is an alienation and outsourcing of jewels, which in the Jewish community and even in Israel came to a standstill in the Gaza War. Many sympathies are attached to the leadership of the Palestinians. “Jews and Arabs are indeed close”, Rafael thinks. In the classroom there are jewels in the past, if there are Hebrew words, the Arabic laurel wreaths are displayed. Shalom and Salam etwa for peace.