
240 attacks Azubi-Stellen im Landkreis Mühldorf

240 attacks Azubi-Stellen im Landkreis Mühldorf

  1. ovb-online-de
  2. Muhldorf
  3. Region Mühldorf

240 attacks Azubi-Stellen im Landkreis Mühldorf
Jugendliche im Kreis Mühldorf did not have a good Auswahl, but the Ausbildungsplätze had already begun. Look at the Bau. © igbau

The official start for the Ausbildungsjahr started on September 1, but it was not possible to use Ausbildungsplätze in the Landkreis Mühldorf. Harald Wulf of the IG BAU concretet, that “the Zug noch longst nicht abgefahren ist.”

Muhldorf – Der Countdown läuft: On September 1, all cases of the Startschuss, which was a woolen Ausbildung, began. “But auch für Jugendliche, die sich später entscheiden, ist der Zug still not abfahren for the longest time. Sogar bis spät in den Herbst hinein“, says Harald Wulf von der Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU).

240 open training places

The Bezirksvorsitzende of IG BAU Upper Bavaria requires active Zahlen van Arbeitsagentur. Demnach haben die Unternehmen im Landkreis Mühldorf im laufenden Ausbildungsjahr insgesamt rund 660 Ausbildungsstellen reportedet. “But that is not the case, nor has it been forgotten: Aktuell warten nor mehr as 240 Ausbildungsplätze auf Jugendliche, die sich für einen Job-Start in Handwerk, in der Industrie, in de Dienstleistungsbranche or in Handel separat”, says Harald Wulf.

Auch der Bau in Landkreis Mühldorf is so über de Arbeitsagentur in Moment nor Jugendliche, which set on a good Job Perspective. The following were built, renovated, renovated and renovated: “Wohnungen, Schulen, Industriegebäude, Straßen, Brücken, Gleise – we have a construction set up, which almost guarantees a life-long development guarantee,” is the IG BAU-Bezirksvorsitzende überzeugt.

There is a young talent who still has no idiosyncrasy: “Business reporting and the Internet are a point of reference, clearly. If it is good, it is a problem to react and fragment: ‘Was it?’, said Harald Wulf. Finally, the personal final report is often more disjointed than the notes in the last year. A long period in which all foreign affairs of the Arbeitsagentur report.

Gebäudereinigung ist „largest craft industry“

Once it is so, an Ausbildung action is carried out as “irgendwo as Hilfskraft anzuheuern”. So you will have a qualifying Ausbildung in the Gebäudereinigung beispielsweise: “It is the largest handicraft industry, which will have. The use of cleaning products is a manual process. In the job that offers new technology and more and more machines, the enormous work is done,” says Harald Wulf. It is a “higher temperature” – as a Fassaden cleaner. Aber auch auf der Karriereleiter: “Were able to use the Cleaner’s Handicrafts as a tool, can be used by Meister machen or the Technician and the Fachrichtung Reinigungs- und Hygienetechnik draufn”, thus the Gewerkschafter.

In the dual robbery education, which is taught in the Betrieb and in the Berufsschule, the Azubi-Wohnungen is one of the most important Stichwort for the IG BAU Oberbayern. Viewing the apartment is a WG-Zimmer under the first right to an own home to finance. “It can not be that the young person has an education center, for the most interesting, exciting sausages, but it is a good thing. It can never last. Azubis is not like sand on the sea”, said Harald Wulf. That also means more housing construction. (with regard to)