
Baradari wishes all ABC-Schützen einen guten und gesunden Schulstart • Attendorner Geschichten

Baradari wishes all ABC-Schützen einen guten und gesunden Schulstart • Attendorner Geschichten

pm schulstart photo maurice weiss e1724221665162
Nezahat Baradari, MdB (Photo: Maurice Weiss)

On August 21st and 22nd the Schulanfänger in North Rhine-Westphalia were eingeschult. This age is a new generation and a family of bigger beds. The little Schülerinnen and Schüler begin a new life cut.

The secretive Bundestagsabgeordnete Nezahat Baradari wishes all students and students to have a good and healthy school start: “The beginning of the school system is for the children to have a good time,” so Baradari. “As children and young adults, they are especially important, so that children and children are healthy,” says the Federal Council for the Eltern. If you have eights, then it is true that all notable impfungen erhalten hat: “Impfungen schützen vor meidbaren Infektionskrankheiten”, so die Abgeordnete. “I am different in pleasure when the years have begun with the detection of tetanus, diphtheria and cold, which cause debts that fall. At the same time many hidden impurities can be hidden.”

The Abgeordnete is in third place, the introduction of the Impfpass with the Recommendations in the Impfkalender of the Robert Koch Institutes is vergelijken or sich with the Impfausweis and the Kinder- en Jugendarzt zu draai. If we talk about children in other debts, then: “Gerade the HPV infection will no longer be neglected here. In the 18-year-olds the Impfquote is at 13.3 percent (young) vzw. 56.4 percent (girls). Because the infection is caused by a virus, Krebs is discovered in sexual intercourse, that it concerns women as cracked collars and in men as penis cancer. Die Impfung also rettet Leben”. An impfung against HPV is an alternative for new years.

You can find the Impfkalender of the Robert-Koch-Instituts Eltern here: