
Vermittelt Gefühl wie beim Raketenstart

Vermittelt Gefühl wie beim Raketenstart

Bethel Thelen has a series
Bethel Thelen has made a series “Jekyll & Hyde” with a few lamps. On the drive to the river there is a tire breakdown, where a few of the brown glass projections are. © Carola Korff

Reading time

The Rheder Kirmes are traditionally a good example, a friend and a small temptation to meet, the man did not stand out so often. The gilded is no longer for the Besucher, but for the Schausteller. We can spend years here and know if we can do something else. Bethel Thelen has made an eight-year journey with his active Fahrgeschäft „Jekyll & Hyde“ over the years. Gerade baut is the spectacular Kopfüber-Karussell on the Kirchplatz on. Only a few steps further see Schwiegervater letzten Schrauben on the Riesenschaukel “X-Factor” an. One of the brothers and a cousin is angry with Rheder Kirmes: a champion with another with the dodgem.

Market master Heiner Doods (right) and Laura Weßling from city marketing were followed by Franz Deinert and the
Market master Heiner Doods (r.) and Laura Weßling from city marketing had their platzrundgang followed by Franz Deinert and the “X-Factor” as a kind of.© Carola Korff

It comes that the life of Rheder Kirmes, like Thelen, has begun its 44-year influx. The Großvater and the Mutter hat the Autoscooter, the jetzt of the Cousin takes over the hat. “I know here so much.” Gestern first visited Vincenzo Crognales Eisdiele. “This is what the Italians say. There may be a Kirmes sitting in Rhede gloves in the Innenstadt, like Thelen. If you bring a few herausforderungen with you. Denn Thelen en seine Leute müssen ihr Fahrgeschäft zwischen the Fahrbahn and the large Blumenbeet in front of the Church puzzlen. Bis zur Steinumrandung is nur zehn Zentimeter Platz. “That is millimeter labor,” said Thelen.

Driving up the uber-dimensional “Windmill” is a matter of millimeters.
Driving up the uber-dimensional “Windmill” is a matter of millimeters.© Carola Korff

The construction of “Jekyll & Hyde” is 41 meters high. Anyone who enjoys a “breezy windmill on the two gondolas” will be able to enjoy a pleasant ride at 125 km/h during the flight. „Dabei dieselben Krafte auf den Körper wie jeinem Rocketstart.“ Besonders wild auf diese Fahrt sind die Kinder. Those müssen aber leastestens 1.40 meters gross signal. “Wir haben am Kassenhäuschen a Messfigur,” said Thelen. Often they ask themselves more clearly and happily, the separate marking can be achieved. “It’s like that, you see, when you’ve conquered the Schub a few years later and you’re so free, if you just keep going.” The mothers have more trouble washing the children than cooking.

This right has the Fahrgeschäft de Beinamen „die Verwandlung“: „We find a whole mixed Verwandlungen statt“, explanation of the Schausteller. Frisuren verwandelt sich, “schlecht gelaunte Ehefrauen en -männer” and “both of them and others in seltenen Ausnahmefällen auch die Gesichtsfarbe”. For everything you need to know about free hormone hormones.

Giant Schaukel “X-Factor”

Things are not so rascal with Schwiegervater Franz Deinert and his ‘X-Factor’. “That is a large Schaukel, which is 25 meters high in the air flight, but not over the head,” it is said to have lived for 65 years. There aren’t many kids who are eight years old when I’m in the Grandpa Spa. The war was not long in Rhede. This is a small hooded hat, if you consider it a Christmas gift. Then your decision will take place here in the house. Now, we are the Schwiegersohn with his “Jekyll & Hyde” who are still present in Rhede war. “And my Schwiegervater has the very worst driver in Rhede.” Damit is not always the car owner community, without having any experience with the art of flying teppichs.

Paradise apple for the opening

On Friday (August 23), Kirmes started with the Fassanstich at the official Junggesellenschützen festival at 4 p.m. Paradies and Getränke are free for children’s fees. There are only 160 fun activities available for shooting and playing activities in the inner city. Am Montag (26 August) the Kirmes ended with a Feuerwerk.