
Schuljahr started – also with traffic risks and Kinderarmut

Schuljahr started – also with traffic risks and Kinderarmut

Start with the new question of blame of Minister Dorothee Feller (CDU) and all other children, who want to send children to the debt of their debts. “For the idea that the economy has got a new lifestyle and has made a start on the debt path”, he says that he has carried out the action “Brems Dich!” der Landesverkehrswacht (LVW).

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the new School will be 180,000 i-Dötzchen an den Start – the Schools can themselves be separated, between the first and last days. Gemeinsam with two educational classes übte de Ministerin in Essen das sichere Überqueren der Straße.

The Landesverkehrswacht sets up autofahrer, for everything in Umfeld von Schulen, in Wohngebieten, a Fußgängerüberwegen and schlecht einsehbaren Stellen umsichtig zu fahren.
The Landesverkehrswacht sets up autofahrer, for everything in Umfeld von Schulen, in Wohngebieten, a Fußgängerüberwegen and schlecht einsehbaren Stellen umsichtig zu fahren. Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa

With 65 local traffic guards with tension bands, flyers and actions based on the theme. The Landesverkehrswacht is assessed on the following Elterntaxis. Sie verursachten Verkehrschaos voor de Schulen en gefährdeten Fußgänger, mahnte LVW-Präsident Klaus Voussem. Stattdessen unterstützt der Verein «Eltern-Haltestellen» with sicheren Hol- and Bringzonen.

Back in the cataract

On the roads there was again more and more traffic since the start of school. The classic commuter routes have become more traffic and congestion, such as the ADAC center. Other things that take place in the Großraum Cologne are one of the Kreuz Kaiserberg near Duisburg and Oberhausen. The highest driving speed is on the highways 1 and 3. Here the car driver has to drive more than 20 minutes tomorrow with the time-waster. At 8.45 o’clock the ADAC in NRW expects congestion with a total length of more than 140 kilometers.

The first guilt for most ABC-Schützen is a Grund zur Freude - all the things that occur in the Alltag can cause a major structural problem.
The first guilt for most ABC-Schützen is a Grund zur Freude – all the things that occur in the Alltag can cause a major structural problem. Photo: Christoph Reichwein/dpa

My new Schuljahr started after the second week of the summer period for 2.5 million Schülerinnen and Schüler in NRW, wieder der Unterricht. Damit fell on a zunächst 400 Schulen des Landes auch der Startschuss for a bundesweetes Förderprogramm and social Brennpunkten. If Halbjahr remains silent, he ends up in the Grundschulen in his years of jewels in a teaching study more German and Mathematical geben.

At the same time, more than 5,400 debtors in the country owe around 6,000 teaching staff to the debt ministry. Viewing and supporting debts can be done on the path while the incredible teaching certificates are expanded. If you want to know more about the courts, you can follow the courts from the list and the Administrative Court Münster jüngst festgestellt hadte.

There are many years when you can earn your money with cooking and the first debts - the last years of the year do not last longer before you start with the beginning of your new debts after more than a week of vacation. (Archivbild)
There are many years when you can earn your money with cooking and the first debts – the last years of the year do not last longer before you start with the beginning of your new debts after more than a week of vacation. (Archivbild) Photo: Bernd Thissen/dpa

«Scholarship is a luxury item for the race»

Der Sozialverband VdK uses its children’s armut. “We live in a time of year, in North Rhine-Westphalia, for ever more families in our school, so that our financial taxes will be greater,” said VdK President of the VdK NRW, Horst Vöge. «Scholarship is a luxury article.»

NRW has conducted a year-long study of the Bertelsmann Foundation in the Bundesweit of Bremen and Saxony-Anhalt with 24.6 percent of the third highest poverty rate in children. Quickly half of those affected are now waiting for another part.

“When children engage in problem solving, this is a problem. Vöge says: “For long-lasting clothing, for social activities in the community or for Christmas celebrations with money.” The Hilfen directions are only a small item, a children’s armut is bekämpfen. Der Verband fordert niedrigschwelige Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangebote in de Communes.

Family with all-in-one care in North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the few, surprising positive lights that have affected the study of the Bertelsmann Foundation under the strong von Armut. Under the beef 1.7 Millionen Alleinerziehenden with lessjährigen Children were bundesweit im vergangen Jahr 41 Prozent demnach einkommensarm, in NRW lay der Anteil mit 46.7 Prozent noch deutlich höher.