
Tödliche Schüsse in Munich: War ein Familienstreit der Auslöser?

Tödliche Schüsse in Munich: War ein Familienstreit der Auslöser?

Munich – After the tödlichen Schuss or Schüssen der Polizei on an Angreiferin mit Messer in der Implerstraße in Munich ermittelt das bayerische Landescriminalamt (LKA). It is a fact that the Staatsanwaltschaft has taken over the jurisdiction of the Schusswaffengebrauchs, like an LKA-Sprecher. Das sei in een Fall wie diesem Standard. The supermarket was closed on Tuesday morning and with a police version. The police have done the best things, it is the woman who has done a 31-year-old Munchner trade. This is the way the Vorfall is written with his father.

The supermarket on Implerstraße will be closed tomorrow after the Vorfall.
The supermarket on Implerstraße will be closed tomorrow after the Vorfall.
© private
The supermarket on Implerstraße will be closed tomorrow after the Vorfall.

from private


Familienstreit soll Auslöser gewesen sein

Update 21.08., 11:30 am: Auslöser for the Messer-Angriff in Munich soll a meeting with the Eltern in a Restaurant at Goetheplatz gewesen sein. Laut Berichten der “Bild” sollen Zeugen einen Streit zwischen der 31-Jährigen en deren Vater beobachtet haben. Still, it’s time to work and a Zeugin is busy on the U-Bahn. These were assigned to the Supermarket by the Police.

Police department is pushing Taser for Streifenwagen

Update 21.08, 10 am: The Bavarian Police Department is taking action after the heavy-duty police force in Sendling in its development after a mission for your road transport decision. The Distanz-Elektro-Impuls-Geräte ended up in a Pilot version as “Lückenschluss zwischen Pfefferspray und Dienstwaffe”.

Jürgen Köhnlein, Landesvorsitzende der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft: “It is a matter of time, the Taser is not present for SEK-, USK- und geschlossene Einheiten zur Verfügung stehen, sondern in jedem Streifenwagen in Freistaat.” For people who find themselves in a huge number of possible situations, the Taser can serve as one of the most common problems of the aggressors.

Police officers should be aware of this: “Bei a Messerangreifer is the critical Distanz zwischen Angreifer und Streifenbeamten beiben Metern. Bei diesem hat a Polizist gerade nor die Zeit, nach hinten auszuweichen und seine Schusswaffe zu hen. would be able to, It is a matter of fun within the present world.”

Jürgen Köhnlein, Landesvorsitzende der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft
Jürgen Köhnlein, Landesvorsitzende der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft
© DPolG Bayern
Jürgen Köhnlein, Landesvorsitzende der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft

from DPolG Bayern


Only three directions

Update 20.08, 16.30 hrs: The People in Germany of Polizisten became, always come to be known – so zum Beispiel first in July in Middle Franconia. A 34-year-old person at the S-Bahnhof in Lauf an der Pegnitz was responsible for the Federal Police with a message. One of the consequences of this is that a problem has arisen and the Bauch has been affected. Der Mann put out a seine ship Verletzung. In Munich, the police department spent more time on the Franconia police in the investigation phase in the autumn of 2010, dating back to the year 2010. They will follow politics in the Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt in 2023 in Warnschü sse ab, auf People were never lost during their lifetimes at all.

View the video cameras for clarity

Update 20.08, 14.30 hrs: Was it about those 31 years ago that started? That woman had the police a kilometer from the supermarket in Munich and war police – because of Betäubungsmittel- and “aggression crimes”. Once they have gone through the fear of the threat of politics in a psychiatry, there is a problem that they themselves have or other problems. If they also stand at the locks on Monday under a drug inflow, war will not be clear. The woman’s leech was obduziered on Tuesday.

Update 20.08, 13.15: Who is the speaker of the Munich police presidency, Andreas Franken, middle, were two lines with a total of four men Officers at the supermarket driven. The four men tell the woman that they have eaten a kitchen knife, it is so that they can eat. When the politicians have started, these statements are made and more demanded “Messer weg, Messer weg!” If this direct debit is not carried out, the police can take the blame four times, causing the fraud “more”. The police are ready to start, the distance between fear and politics holds war, and it is one meter long. When shopping in the supermarket there is talk of an inspection room, which is now used by the police.

“If there was a new course of time, it would be a more dynamic Ablauf,” said Polizeisprecher Franken. At 6.40 pm the arrival of the passers-by at the police entrances, at 6.50 pm the officials arrived at the supermarket. Supermarket science has not reached the age of 31. It is “not a matter of recognition that the Frau would like to drink with you and other people would be happy,” says Franken. You have received the message “Messer first nach Ansprache durch die Beamten …”

Die Polizei und die Kripo am Tatort in der Implerstraße.
Die Polizei und die Kripo am Tatort in der Implerstraße.
© Nina Job
Die Polizei und die Kripo am Tatort in der Implerstraße.

from Nina Job


Schüsse in Supermarket in Munich: Frau bedrohte Polizisten mit Messer

Update 20.08, 10.30 am: When the woman in the supermarket chain of supermarkets speaks out, the police message is unanswered by a salesperson and no longer printed on the old meter by the politicians. Despite the orders, the message is low, the 31-year-olds did not react. The officers use the Pfeffer spray, a situation that is not good. But then it continues, two police officers together give four shots. The woman has experienced more problems and has never been to Tatort, while the first-aid measurements and the care by the re-emergency rescue service. The Commissioner 11 of the Munich Police Presidency is in charge of the ermittlungen, instructed by the Spurensicherung and the Institute for Legal Medicine.

There is an obligation to obtain data in the Laufe des Tages-stattfinden. More videos can be shown. The Bavarian State Criminal Office is now under the Leitung der Staatsanwaltschaft Munich a Vorermittlungsverfahreneingeleitet, a jurisdiction of the Schusswaffengebrauchs that gets into trouble.

As of 19.08, 22.13 hrs: The Implerstraße in the area of ​​the U-Bahnhaltestelle Ecke Alramstraße is closed with rotweißem Flatterband. Police officers in white uniforms come to the Penny Supermarket and come inside, with 30 police officers in uniform in the Tatort. In the supermarket there is an etwa 30 years more than Frau. They were present at the Montagend von der Polizei erschossen.

Whoever says Andreas Franken’s police, wants the woman to become a Messer.

At a supermarket in Munich, a woman was shocked by the police after the Einsatzkräfte attacked her with the Messer.
At a supermarket in Munich, a woman was shocked by the police after the Einsatzkräfte attacked her with the Messer.
© MünchenTV/TNN/dpa
At a supermarket in Munich, a woman was shocked by the police after the Einsatzkräfte attacked her with the Messer.

from MunichTV/TNN/dpa


Frau von Polizeibeamten nach Angriff erschossen: That is the passion

Laut Franken was at the Leitstelle gegen 18.40 Uhr die Mitteilung a Frau eingeleden, dem nach es am Goetheplatz a Körperverletzungsdelikt kommen, sie würde die Täterin followed. Both women work in the U-Bahn. On Implerstraße you can find the Verfolgte flüchtetetete in the Supermarket directly on the U-Bahnaufgang. In dem Penny these times were no longer private and personal.

A few minutes after tomorrow, four police officers entered the supermarket. If you take over the police policy after the woman insulted a businessman, he did his best and the taxman did his best. According to the Franken police spokesman, the officers also used pesticide spray. “Whoever has been shot a lot and whoever has been shot often is still opposed to the victims,” ​​he said on Monday.

Resuscitations are performed

Although first aid and resuscitation searches are still available, the woman in the supermarket has her injuries. If you use a debit card, you can quickly identify it. Let Franken see his politics. Wegen was for Delikten, that is, it is no different.

Coldplay's Chris Martin at Glastonbury Festival in June.

Hoge Sicherheitsstufe at Coldplay-Konzerten in Vienna


If you have found the item on the brand list.

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After more cases of Starkregen on the A8 in Munich, the rescue teams in Einsatz had disappeared. (Symbol image)

Heftier Streit in Obdachlosenheim: Mann zückt Messer


If you have found the item on the brand list.

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A Smart and a Toyota are on display in Vollbrand on Monday morning.

Brandstiftung in Munich: Zwei Mal Totalschaden


If you have found the item on the brand list.

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The police instruction is long-term. It is approximately 9.50 pm since the U-Bahn access barrier and the freeway lane.

Removal of the Leiche: A sentence of the woman will be carried out during the service.
Removal of the Leiche: A sentence of the woman will be carried out during the service.
© Nina Job
Removal of the Leiche: A sentence of the woman will be carried out during the service.

from Nina Job
