
Onkel Udo an der Luftgitarre: Heimersheimer fährt zur WM

Onkel Udo an der Luftgitarre: Heimersheimer fährt zur WM

Dave Monreal aka Onkel Udo is one of the best guitarists in the world – if the instrument now exists in the Köpfen der Zuschauer. There is a lot of fun with Luftgitarren-WM in Finland.

Uncle Udo is an educator, who has more children and his own big Metal fan. The Leidenschaft für Musik lives also on stage. A hobby of a blessing is often a problem with the Luftgitaarrespielen. Schon 2016 there was a German master.

His art is perfect, there is a lot of work on the eight plates of the Luftgitaar-Weltranglijst. Jetzt traveled as one of the German Germans after Oulu in Finland to the “Air Guitar World Championships”, from August 21 to 23. I interviewed Dave Monreal after his landing at the airport in Helsinki.

SWR Current: Was the man then, eh, such a Luftgitarren-WM erfolgreich zu signal?

Dave Monreal: Hingabe, Passion and Love for Music. Man must work with his hand. If you do not cause any harm, it is a great blow for Otto to use a machine and a bisschen rumzuhampeln. It is so that the German master Patrick Culek appeared so well in an interview: Jeder kan Luftgitaar spelen.

SWR Current: Who is the Headbanger at Luftgitarre-Spielen?

Monreal: Also the headbanging is no longer suitable for my repertoire. I have a bisschen umgesattelt. The point is that I will not go so deep anymore. If you are more German, you can raise a finger and read in that minute, the man who is on the button, a good show to love.

SWR Current: It’s a matter of a minute, that man says it’s all so. Why is the trip to Finland?

Monreal: One must experience that once. In 2016 I became the German Meister, so I almost won the trip – also with Hotel and Flight and all the Drum and Dran. Therefore I must maintain my financial support. It is a fact that Leute, the man he knows, is an open-minded friend and a carefree person. If it is a little bit like that, it is a positive sin.

Dave Monreal passed away during his flight at the Luftgitarren Weltmeisterschaft in Finland 2016 during his flight

Dave Monreal passed away during his flight at the Luftgitarren-Weltmeisterschaft in Finland 2016 during his flight.

picture-alliance / Reporting service

Photo Alliance

SWR Current: Who is more extroverted, the man who wants to do one of the bigger things?

Monreal: Extroverted to his own, harms nothing. If you think you can become a large group of people, you have changed bands and geniuses if they are such a bisschen. If the chance arises, while the world domination performs on that big platz in Oulu, he will perform for more hunderd, if he does not go to Leuten anymore, he dies and becomes sharper on his money, the power then but still it was with one thing, that is power schon Spaß.

SWR Current: Was this your soul for this WM – the title to Germany?

Monreal: It is not my main Soul. I would like to have a nice spa with the same care I have.