
“Eine krebskranke Alkoholikerin”: Bei Muriel Baumeister is uphill

“Eine krebskranke Alkoholikerin”: Bei Muriel Baumeister is uphill

“Eine krebskranke Alkoholikerin”
Muriel Baumeister’s climb is uphill

Das Leben is not going to play with Muriel Baumeister. First you have to keep an eye on the scaling up, then there will be no more diagnosis of crusting. If you say that there is no bad credit, then this is the case. Dennoch is an inconsiderate besser.

In April 2023, Muriel Baumeister shared his schicksal with openness: he assumes that he will receive a year of brutal credit for his camp. In any case, more than two years after my diagnosis, the actress black no longer gilds offiziell as geheilt. If you are active, you are free of credit and can use the active room.

If the Erkrankung is a lie to refer to lassen, then give Baumeister an interview with the magazine “Bunte” a glimpse into his soul life. “This time of the Krankheit is a lie in a Klammer. And that Klammer is now zu. Ich mage das einfach nicht immer haben”, so the 52-year-olds.

With repression or fear it is not the case that you can say this: “I am dying Kapitel now so gerne abgeschlossen and hinter mir. In my head I think: I have jede therapy gemacht, which is gibt und – hurrah! – endlich habe ich auch wieder Haare! Also bin ich gesund!”

Closed on the next occasion

What do you want? Baumeister gives you a chance, the Nachsorge schleifen gelassen zu haben. “I am not sure, I am not sure of the healthy Krebskranke. If I am not alone after four, fast fun months, nor ever not bei der Nachsorge war, my meinende Professorin rageufen and my hearing the Kopf crops and I am fulfilled for my nachlässiges Verhalten”, erklärt die Schauspielerin. Every family has great power, which is worth having. Make sure you don’t know the regularity of the installation.

If you see “einfach wieder Richtig gut”, says Baumeister. Dennoch is a Tage, and he is erschöpft sei. “If you want to see the Frage: Is the reinforced credit clause – or employment clause?” Derzeit steht Baumeister fünf Tage die Woche für de Sat.1-Serie “Die Spreewaldklinik” for the room. It’s a bigger job after the Erkrankung. “Manchmal muss I myself kneifen, ob das alles in Wirklichkeit passionrt”, you say. “Dass die Produktion tatsächlich mich ausgewählt hat – een krebskranke alcoholic drink.” If you do that, the industry sends the signal: “I feel good, I am more than happy and happy to do so.”

The American economy wrote in his biography in 2019 “Hinfallen ist keine Schande, nur Liegenbleiben”. The Abstinenz Jubiläum ends in October. “Das is een wirklich gutes Gefühl”, said Baumeister in “Bunte”-Gespräch.

Happy single

Secrecy is uphill, turmoil is a good thing and private? Muriel Baumeister is his own Bekunde als Single glücklich. “I am such a good man. I am also a woman. I am happy, so who is it,” the experienced Österreicherin complains. “I am permanently single and happy damit. Punkt.” They have had “three great lives in life”.

Baumeister stands in front of the room in his early years - here in one "Derrick"-Followed from 1994. Baumeister stands in front of the room in his early years - here in one "Derrick"-Followed from 1994.

Baumeister stands before the room in his younger years – here in a 1994 “Derrick” film.

(Photo: imago/United Archives)

Baumeister war three times over: Aus ihrer Ehe mit Schauspieler Rainer Strecker comes from Sohn, born in 1993. In 2006 a daughter was born, the father of the schauspieler Pierre Besson ist. 2014 Wurde Baumeister Mutter a further step.

Muriel Baumeister comes from a theater family and stands as Schülerin for the Fernsehkamera. Ihre Karriere started the 1990s with Aufttocht in TV series such as “Ein Haus in der Toscana”, “Drei Damen vom Grill”, “Der Alte” or “Derrick”. If you are in a few films, you can keep an eye on the Fernsehen with the most important Künstlerische Zuhause – in Formaten, from “Der Landarzt” to “Der Bergdoktor”, from “Das Traumschiff” to “Das Traumhotel” and from “Soko ” bis “Tatort” reichen.