
Fohlen stehen vor Neustart: So look at Seoane den Druck in Gladbach

Fohlen stehen vor Neustart: So look at Seoane den Druck in Gladbach

The new Bundesliga season will continue in Startlöchern. For Gladbach it is worth using a ​​​​wiedergutmachine, if the season is not so sweet, if the verrenwortlichen and the fans last so long.

He saw everything on that reparation, Trainer Gerardo Seoane said in an interview with the ‘kicker’: “I’m glad I’m sitting on the Platz, if I lose.” I’m astonished, it’s a big revival now, a game in the summer of the Verein-verlassende heat, “which a few years later has reached the Gesicht der Mannschaft. A step has gone in a new direction. But I’m on this path to 100 percent with.”

Druck sei File van Trainerjobs, führte Seoane weiter aus. Fear of schlechten Results and one of the best results that a man like Coach cannot deliver. “An dem Tag, an dem du dech entscheidest, die beroof auszuüben, weißt du: Wir all sitzen auf ainem Stuhl with ainem roten Knopf. Damit haben wir Trainer uns abgefunden”, very bad Seoane.

If Gladbacher starts straight away with a Sieg, it is possible that the Freitag will get the Meister from Leverkusen.