
The factory will be sold in good condition

The factory will be sold in good condition

  2. Lennetal
  3. Werdohl

The factory will be sold in good condition
At Superior Industries in Dresel no further production is possible. Personal and video cameras are suitable for the safety in the wasting Felgenfabrik. © Griese, Volker

If there was a bankruptcy, the IS Holding went bankrupt because of the Werdohler Werk of Superior Industries. Jetzt would be the only Fabrik that got a fixed price.

Werdohl – Since July, these extremely strong human beings have been at the forefront of Superior Industries’ high-quality aluminum wheels for automotive repairs, and have a more strategic investor for the Werdohler R further manufacturing grounded, once you know, if you are bald, you can have a real war.

Now three weeks later, BBS Autotechnik reported Insolvenz ein, der Kauf von Superior Industries was geplatzt, weil BBS Autotechnik de Kaufsumme – Insider vermuten een belittle Swiss Millionen-Betrag – nicht überwiesen hatte. For a few days or women, the Hoffnung will not take place, but the Turkish IS Holding, the Geldgeber hinter BBS Autotechnik, a jumper and the Werdohler Werk can work. Jens Lieser, Insolvenzverwalter von Superior Industries, reported on the reported signals, which have been halted.

Hoffnungen and a nackenschlag

The fact that there is a malicious enterprise of Superior Industries, can affect the development of the betribes in one of the business activities, which offers more possibilities for her. Although we still do not have the Hoffnung, it is irgendwann and irgendwie weitergehen mit der Räderproductie in Dresel, reports an Ex-Mitarbeiter.

Auch Torsten Kasubke, Manager for Insolvents in the IG Metal Märkischer Kreis, can report to Solchen Fällen: “Einige has other Jobs left, weil see courts, because the production is irgendwann wieder aufgenommen.” These gold-plated violations are not for everyone. Because of the message from ex-soldiers, that is all “that good intestine” could mean that money is being raised.

In the course of the next nackenschlag for all, which is not experienced at a Happy End, it is said: “That IS Holding hat our mitgeteilt, that is the Werdohler Werk von Superior Industries but not purchased wird”, teilte Lieser mit. Diese Nachricht hatte also the Insolvenzverwalter seemlich unmittelt affected: “Wir were sehr überrascht, diese Absage kam aus dem Nichts”, said it. IS Holding no longer needs any consideration for the feedback from the deal. Gewerkschaftssekretär Kasubke spricht von an “ungewöhnlichen Vorgang”. If Ganze is “abenteuerlich”, it is a fact that the policy of IS Holding is recognized.

Machines are being built

How can it continue? The Vernehmen nach soll de IS Holding is one of the only interesting interests of the Räderfabrik. The best solution for the insolvency is that this has never been made explicit, but it is the following: “The company that has done the work in sales has become light.” Nothing has happened, but it would not be the case that aluminum products were produced, such as Jens Lieser.

The Insolvenzverwalter will sell the work now Stück für Stück. It is not that machines that will be seen by Superior Industries will be seen; it is necessary to intervene and strengthen first. Anschließend will Lieser den Standort dann nach zu geld machen: “Wir bieten jetzt das Grundstück und die Betriebs- und Geschäftsausstattung zum Kauf an”, can be one thing.

Because the machines are most suitable for the years that the foundation is found, the inner half of the next amount of money is sold. “It is not at all unattractive”, finds the Insolvency Administrator. If the sale does not go well, Werdohl had an industrial sector more. Whoever that is, a real estate company with a life full, says another example of his four-year leasehold location of Georg Fischer at the Bahnhof.

It also looks like the lighter products are now coming into the factory, while the time will not last longer, nor two million aluminum alloys per year are restored. “It is an autumn of de-industrialization in the region”, whereby the business activities of Kasubke include the Developing. The Foundation for the Desire of more than 400 work sites remain in Dunkeln.