
Schweizer Biodiversitätsinitiative: Was steckt im Kleingedruckten?

Schweizer Biodiversitätsinitiative: Was steckt im Kleingedruckten?

The initiative text works when there is a lesson. There is a Grund, the Bundesrat and the Parliament that can take the initiative.

Where biodiversity belongs, thinks among other things of alpine flowers. A hint of the initiative gives a huge head start on the names.

Where biodiversity belongs, thinks among other things of alpine flowers. A hint of the initiative gives a huge head start on the names.

Gian Ehrenzeller / Keystone

Thomas Baumann is a Vorzeigelandwirt in the biodiversity of Saxony. If you visit a Hof in an old country, it is a good Hecken, while in recent years you have a Vögel of the Neutöter and the Goldammer angesiedelt haben. On the upside of the Suhre we want in a small Landstreifen three Schweine. Once you are insured, you can determine the creditworthiness of a loan.

Biodiversity brings money

“That is not a Blüemli-Bauer-Zeug,” said Baumann. Sein Hof has a diverse business environment: Ziegenzoek and Käseproduktion, Gemüse- und Gereideanbau as well as Förderung der Biodiversität. If Letzterer has a small lifestyle, think of Freude at the Anwohnern and Spaziergängern. Such involvement is as simple as those others – thanks to premeditation. If this happens, the Landschaft nach seinen Vorstellungen zu gestalten.

Among the Schweizer Bauern, Baumann is the Ausnahme as the Rule. The land business has become increasingly dire in recent years. Since 1996, the Federal guidelines have been one of the biological leistungsnachweis knüpft. 2016 followed a biodiversity action plan. Anyone who follows this landwirtschaftspolitik can put expression of opinion out of use. For the environmental connection, the glass best falls are half full. The Bauernverband hinges, the landwirte powers well, and there will be other actions in the duty. De Bauern can no longer take a man out of the Regulations, but he can no longer make his job mechanical.

Fest steht: Biodiversity is more under Druck, for everything in the midland. If you use the help of the siedlungsraums, this is one of the intensive landwirtschaften. The Eidgenössische Researchsanstalt WSL bilanzierte kürzlich, is in the sector of industrial development and the water treatment plants of the Boomjahren after the Zweiten Weltkrieg in all areas of Biodiversity great pleasure gegeben gegeben. Either beobachte man bei gewissen Artengruppen and Lebensräumen eine Stabilisierung or der Holung. There is a real trend change that is now manifesting itself in life and art groups. Gemäss de roten Liste der Lebensräume sei etwa de Hälfte der Lebensräumtypes gefährdet.

The environmental associations want to support their Biodiversity Initiative on September 22, when it comes to abstinence. The initiative text works if there is a lesson. And yet it is a Ground that the Bundesrat and the Parliament can take the initiative. Foreign Minister Albert Rösti addressed a meditation conference on an “extreme initiative”. Contrary to what the title of the “Biodiversity Initiative” suggests, it is an idea to find out more: a comprehensive protection of landscapes, village pictures and nature and cultural monuments. Requirements were the voluntary nature of homes or alpine photovoltaic canals, such as Rösti. Tourism and agriculture were also expected.

Güterabwägung nicht mehr möglich

Especially that it is a satz, that in the Federal Constitution stehen kommen soll: “The core of the Schutzwerte is zu erhalten.” One of the ways in which a Schutz and Nutzung is used is if not possible anymore, just think about it. This means more costs than 400 million francs, which is worth 600 million euros in the history of the art world investment.

The initiators have started, and can make no costs. An intact biodiversity is the foundation for agriculture, which changes the climate walk for and protection against environmental catastrophes. Because the initiative has started, the parliament must make a government proposal. Erst dann were the concrete next clear.

The Bundesrat has taken an initiative to help Parliament to do things decisively after various nachbesserungen. Let the vaccination camps resume the pesticide and the Trinkwasser initiative in the year 2021. The Bauern president Markus Ritter (Mitte) is insulting, so that he gets the immunity and how the parliament is sucked into his page. The Umweltverbände has given a signal, that is how the initiative works.

In a first overview of the «20 Minuten»/Tamedia-Zeitungen 51 percent of the reports for a Ja zur Biodiversitätsinitiative spoke out. This is not important. Normally the laurel of the Abstimmungskampfs was by the Zustimmung of the People’s Initiative. If the initiators get more answers to the most likely questions, the «biodiversity»-selling wants, is risky. So they leave many points of anguish.

A bar shift?

If the Volk is Nein, please contact the initiators of the protection of biodiversity in agriculture who erweisen a Bärendienst. The principle has become clear, it was difficult, and there were many in the way. Various Canton has hereditary networking projects at the run. Thomas Baumann is with his Hecken, Schweinen and Kröten busy with the lowest point of the Einzige, the Förderung of the Biodiversity and the Food production. Various studies were aimed at the most important research criterion for a single project existed: a funded action at the height of the landwrights. The motivation has come, when the Volk was on September 22, we would like to sollte zur Biodiversitätsinitiative.