
Mallorca: Deutsche Touristen prügeln Taxifahrer krankenhausreif

Mallorca: Deutsche Touristen prügeln Taxifahrer krankenhausreif

More tourists from Germany have been visiting Mallorca. I would like to take care of you, be a taxi driver on the day (20 August) and you will have to leave. Especially brisant: Die Täter sollen sich nach Aussage des Opfers als Polizisten ausgegeben haben.

Unklar war zunächst, in itself four oder three Festgenommene acts. These Angaben dazu vary in the Spanish Medien. In the “Mallorca Magazine” there are three festivals that are published, and the “Mallorca News” of four festivals is published.

Die Männer stiegen demnach in der Nacht zu Dienstag an der Playa de Palma am Ballermann in ein Taxi. You will be able to find out about the so-called Schinkenstraße in your hotel, which is in Petra im Innern der Insel. If you arrive, you will have a long journey with your taxi driver, in the sense of confidence that the Germans will last 71 years. Dieser erlitt so schwere Verletzungen, dass there with more Knochenbrüchen in Krankenhaus treated were must.

Mallorca: Taxifahrer paints Übergriff der Deutschen

The “Mallorca Zeitung” spoke with José María P. Dieser’s message, there was a quick turnaround in the end, because the men would “umbringen”. Apparently, the three men who took off in a taxi in El Arenal were considered police officers in their own right and were therefore given their service.

Am Ballermann hätte zunächst eine Gruppe von sieben Touristen auf Taxis gewartet. A class is with four people then ready to go. These three men are also used to driving alcohol and have had half a day. Both of the people in Petra are happy to receive “good drinking money”. Then you have one of the guests that Handy is missing. Three other persons are staying at the hotel and in such a taxi.

The Germans were always more rabid than José María P. Diebstahl. Die von ihnen gerufene Polizei erschien zunächst nicht. It is important to clarify the situation after the taxi driver. Vier Männer um die Ende 20 prügelten schließlich auf ihn ein. There you will be able to cope with it, and listen to it. “If I follow the Police, I will be happy, I will see the Police,” says the Taxifahrer in the “Mallorca Zeitung”.

Deutsche versuchen angeblich, Taxifahrer zu bestechen

Then you will have to worry about the consequences of the offenbar changes, even if the brakes on the taxis are lost and your accident will occur. Then maybe it will end up being the Guardia Civil. “You have saved your life,” says P. These Schläger boats in particular and also the Polizisten daraufhin Geld an, damit sie von einer Anzeige absehen. Wegen dieses Bestechungsversuchs sei zunächst einer der Deutschen festgenommen be.

Sturmscäden on the beach of Santa Ponsa in the south west of Mallorca in Mittwoch (14. August)

Der Taxifahrer kam ins Krankenhaus. If you give the signal if you are late, you will be taken to the police later. After more visits and after more persons fest. Nor am selben Tag wurden sie nem Untersuchungsrichter vorgeführt. Dieser ordnete laut Bericht aber keine Untersuchungshaft an. Die Männer seien inzwischen nach Deutschland ausgeist. An official best effort is never forgotten.

That they are easy to handle with the Germans in their daily lives. (cme)